Friday 18 March 2016

Maya 7.0 upwork Test Answer

1. Which NURBS element is being represented by the yellow colored line in the given image?
  1. Hull
  2. Isoparm
  3. Normal
  4. None of the above
2. Which utility node is used to obtain information about the position of a light relative to a texture?
  1. Double-sided shading
  2. Sampler info
  3. Light info
  4. Projection
3. Which among these fog types can cast shadows?
  1. Environment fog
  2. Simple fog
  3. Physical fog
  4. Light fog
4. Color curve attribute is only available for spot light?
  1. True
  2. False
5. While using Move tool, which “Set keys on” option should be selected in order to set the keys on translate x,y & z attributes only?
  1. All keyable attributes
  2. All Manipulator handles
  3. Current Manipulator handle
  4. All manipulator handles & keyable attributes
6. Key Ticks are shown as green marks whereas breakdowns are shown as red marks on the time slider?
  1. True
  2. False
7. Which among the following materials is a volumetric material?
  1. Ocean shader
  2. Phong
  3. Shading map
  4. Light fog
8. Which type of light Maya automatically creates during render, if there is no light in the scene?
  1. Point light
  2. Directional light
  3. Ambient light
  4. Volume light
9. Displacement mapping does not change the surface by moving its vertices but only changes the surface’s normals?
  1. True
  2. False
10. Which animation editor is shown in the given graphic?
  1. Curve editor
  2. Trax editor
  3. Dope sheet editor
  4. Blend shape editor
11. Which of these is a software render type for particles?
  1. Point
  2. Sphere
  3. Sprite
  4. Cloud
12. Which Material type has been used to render the sphere in the given image?
  1. Phong
  2. Lambert
  3. Blinn
  4. Anisotropic
13. State whether True or False:
Keys cannot be set on the transform attributes of particles individually in a particle object.
  1. True
  2. False
14. How many CVs at least would you need to complete a degree 5 curve?
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 6
15. Animating an object using motion path creates a dynamic animation?
  1. True
  2. False
16. Which of the following lets you edit event and sound synchronization and timing?
  1. Blend shape editor
  2. Curve editor
  3. Dope sheet editor
  4. Expression editor
17. In the given image, which Birail tool has been used to create the surface in graphic 1, using the vertical curves as profile curves and horizontal curves as rail curves in graphic 2?
  1. Birail 1 tool
  2. Birail 2 tool
  3. Birail 3+ tool
  4. None of the above
18. Which among these lets you interactively update portions or all of the scene and get immediate feedback?
  1. Render current frame
  2. Redo previous render
  3. IPR render current frame
  4. All of above
19. Which of the following particle render types allows setting “Line width” attribute for rendering?
  1. Point
  2. Streak
  3. Multipoint
  4. All of above
20. Which manipulator is represented by yellow square pointed at with the red arrow in the given image of a spotlight?
  1. Pivot
  2. Cone angle
  3. Penumbra
  4. Decay regions
21. In the given image, the particle render type is set to?
  1. Point
  2. Multipoint
  3. Streak
  4. Multistreak
22. Which key would you press in order to turn on the pivot point manipulator?
  1. Escape
  2. Insert
  3. End
  4. None of the above
23. “Parameter tool” displays the direction of the curve or surface and the normal to the curve or surface at a specified point?
  1. True
  2. False
24. What would you do to a NURBS surface in order to create a curve on that surface?
  1. Make live
  2. Center pivot
  3. Add attribute
  4. None of the above
25. In the given image, the area marked in red shows the?
  1. Range slider
  2. Time slider
  3. Playback controls
  4. None of the above
26. Which material type is used for representing matte surfaces with no specular highlights, such as chalk or unpolished surfaces?
  1. Phong
  2. Lambert
  3. Blinn
  4. Phong E
27. Breakdowns can be converted into keys but keys cannot be converted into breakdowns?
  1. True
  2. False
28. Which utility is shown in the given image?
  1. Multilister
  2. Hypershade
  3. Hypergraph
  4. Visor
29. Which is a 3d texture type?
  1. Cloth
  2. File
  3. Brownian
  4. Ramp
30. Which output image file formats can store the depth channels in one file?
  1. Maya IFF
  2. Maya16 IFF
  3. RLA
  4. All of the above
31. Which Move tool option causes the manipulator orientation to reflect the moved surface rather than the original surface and lets you move selected CVs on a NURBS surface in the U or V direction?
  1. Object
  2. Local
  3. World
  4. Normal
32. Which editor is used to create, edit, and connect rendering nodes, such as textures, materials, lights, rendering utilities, and special effects?
  1. Hypergraph
  2. Hypershade
  3. Outliner
  4. None of the above
33. Which light has been used for rendering the given image?
  1. Point light
  2. Directional light
  3. Spot light
  4. Area light
34. Which light is used to simulate a combination of direct light and indirect light?
  1. Point light
  2. Directional light
  3. Ambient light
  4. Volume light
35. Which type of attribute is typically used in an expression to control a combination of other attributes?
  1. Static attributes
  2. Dynamic attributes
  3. Custom attributes
  4. All of above
36. Render diagnostics can display limitations and recommendations regarding output image file format restrictions?
  1. True
  2. False
37. In the given figure, which Maya utility does the button marked in red points to?
  1. Hypershade
  2. Render globals
  3. Render diagnostics
  4. None of the above
38. Which animation types can be edited in the graph editor?
  1. Expressions
  2. Animation curves
  3. Inverse Kinematics
  4. All of the above
39. Which light is represented by the icon in the given image?
  1. Point light
  2. Ambient light
  3. Volume light
  4. Directional light
40. Which tool would you use to transform a number of items proportional, based on the distance from the manipulator handle?
  1. Proportional modification tool
  2. Move tool
  3. Move normal tool
  4. All of the above
41. Which attribute for a particle per object is set to “Live forever” in order to make the particles live for ever?
  1. LifespanMode
  2. Lifespan
  3. LifespanRandom
  4. None of the above
42. Which “world up type” in “attach to motion path” tool specifies that the up vector try to aim at the origin of a specified object instead of the world up vector?
  1. Scene up
  2. Object up
  3. Object rotation up
  4. Vector
43. Which keyboard shortcut lets you edit the particle object in edit mode?
  1. Escape
  2. Insert
  3. Spacebar
  4. ‘E’
44. Which among these is not an emitter type?
  1. Surface
  2. Spot
  3. Curve
  4. Volume
45. “Hold current keys” sets keys only for the attributes that change value?
  1. True
  2. False
46. Which rotation interpolation would be set in order to create curves that have keyframes on sibling curves locked together but the interpolation between keyframes is performed in Euler-space?
  1. Independent Euler-Angle curves
  2. Synchronized Euler-Angle curves
  3. Synchronized Quaternion curves
  4. All of the above
47. In the given Image, which one among the marked options represents anisotropic material?
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. None of these
48. Which surface material is used by initial(default) shading group?
  1. Phong
  2. Lambert
  3. Blinn
  4. None of the above

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