Thursday 17 March 2016

ASP.Net 3.5 using VB Upwork Test 2016 Answer

1. Which of the following mechanisms are not suitable for returning a single row from a DataTable containing a large number of records?
  1. DataTable.Rows.Find
  2. DataTable.Rows.Select
  3. DataTable.Select
  4. Enumerating across DataTable.Rows
2. Given the following code, which of the following are syntactically correct?
<Extension()> _
Public Function AppendTest(ByVal s As String, ByVal suffix As String)
Return s & suffix
End Function
  1. Dim s As String = “test” s = s.AppendTest(s, “suffix”)
  2. Dim s As String = “test” s = s.AppendTest(“suffix”)
  3. Dim s As String = “test” s = AppendTest(s, “suffix”)
  4. Dim s As String = “test” s = AppendTest(“suffix”)
3. Which of the following types guarantee atomic reads and writes?
  1. int
  2. double
  3. string
  4. long
  5. float
4. Which of the following are true regarding validation in an ASP.NET application?
  1. Server validation should only be used when there is no client side validation.
  2. All data should be validated on the server side.
  3. Client Side validation typically provides a faster response (feedback) time than server validation
  4. A page can not be posted back unless all client validation has passed.
5. Which of the following are true of using ADO.NET DataSets and DataTables?
  1. The connection to the database must remain valid for the life of the data objects
  2. All tables in a dataset must come from the same database.
  3. A given instance of a DataTable can be in only one DataSet
  4. Changes made to multiple tables within a DataSet can easily be transferred to a new DataSet which contains only the changes
  5. Content from multiple DataSets can easily be combined into a single DataSet that contains the net result of all changes.
6. What is the result of the following code?
Console.WriteLine(CBool(If(1>2, “True”, “False”)))
  1. Throws an InvalidCastException
  2. TRUE
  3. FALSE
  4. None of the above
7. Given the following code, which calls are valid ways to add the elements of a string array to a List(Of String)?
Dim values() As String = {“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”}
Dim valueList As New List(Of String)
  1. valueList.Insert(values)
  2. valueList = values
  3. valueList.Add(values)
  4. valueList.AddRange(values)
8. Determining the availability of sufficient memory for an operation can be accomplished by:
  1. There is no supported application level means to determine if a specific amount of memory is available.
  2. using static methods of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and checking the return value
  3. creating an instance of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and monitoring for an InsufficientMemoryException
  4. creating an instance of System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint and monitoring for an OutOfMemoryException
9. With which of the following are Declarative Databinding expressions delimited?
  1. <%# %>
  2. <%– –%>
  3. <!– –>
  4. <# >
10. Which of the following are valid mechanisms for adding an event handler for Public Event SomeEvent() on class Sample?
  1. AddHandler Sample.SomeEvent AddressOf MyEventHandler Public Sub MyEventHandler
  2. AddHandler Sample.SomeEvent, AddressOf Sample.SomeEvent
  3. Private WithEvents sample As New Sample Public Sub MyEventHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles sample.SomeEvent
  4. Private WithEvents sample As New Sample Public Sub MyEventHandler() Handles sample.SomeEvent
11. What does the AndAlso operator do?
  1. It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating both operands
  2. It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the left-hand side only if the right-hand side is false
  3. It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the right-hand side only if the left-hand side is false
  4. It performs a Boolean AND operation, evaluating the right-hand side only if the left-hand side is true
  5. None of the above
12. With which class is the task of mapping a specific point in time into units such as weeks, months, and years accomplished?
  1. System.DateTime
  2. System.TimeSpan
  3. System.Globalization.Calender
  4. System.Globalization.CultureInfo
13. By which of the following can the .NET class methods be included in .aspx files?
  1. Including .Net code within the script element with the runat attribute set to server
  2. Including .Net code within the code element
  3. Including .Net code using the @code directive on the page
  4. Including .Net code within the execute attribute of the individual control
14. Which of the following can you do when deleting a DataRow from the DataRowCollection of a DataTable?
  1. Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to immediately delete the row.
  2. Use the DataRowCollection.Remove method to mark the row for deletion when DataRow.AcceptChanges is called.
  3. Use the DataRow.Delete method to immediately delete the row.
  4. Use the DataRow.Delete method to mark the row for deletion when DataRowAcceptChanges is called.
15. Which of the following events should be used for assigning a Theme dynamically to a page?
  1. PreInit
  2. Init
  3. PreLoad
  4. PreRender
  5. Render
16. Which of the following is applicable when using Secure Socket Level communications?
  1. A certificate must be installed on the server.
  2. The certificate must match the web address to prevent a browser warning or error
  3. The certificate must be issued by an authority recognized by the client computer to prevent a browser warning or error
  4. Once issued, a certificate is always valid until the expiration date.
17. Which of the following is true about VB generics?
  1. VB allows non-type template parameters
  2. VB supports explicit specialization
  3. VB allows the type parameter to be used as the base class for the generic type
  4. VB allows a generic type parameter itself to be a generic
  5. VB enforces that all codes are valid for all types of parameters
18. In which of the following ways do Structures differ from classes?
  1. Structures cannot implement interfaces
  2. Structures cannot inherit from a base structure
  3. Structures cannot have events
  4. Structures cannot have overrideable methods
19. The earliest event in which all viewstate information has been restored is:
  1. Init
  2. PreLoad
  3. Load
  4. PreRender
  5. Render
20. Which method calls will compile the following?
Private Sub Sample(ByVal number As Integer, Optional ByVal bool As Boolean = True)
End Sub
  1. Sample(1, True)
  2. Sample(1)
  3. Sample(bool:=False)
  4. Sample(bool:=False, number:=1)
  5. Sample(bool:=False, 1)
21. The rights of which Windows Account does anonymous Web Site access use by default?
  1. Administrator
  2. IUSER_MachineName (where the MachineName is the actual computer name)
  4. Guest
22. In order to enable AJAX Functionality, which control is placed on the page?
  1. asp:ScriptManager
  2. asp:AjaxManager
  3. asp:PageManager
  4. asp:ClientScriptManager
23. Via which of the following is ViewState maintained by default?
  1. A hidden variable within the page that is included with each round tip.
  2. A cookie which resides on the client’s computer
  3. A server side in-process memory cache
  4. Instance member variables of the Page class
24. In order to use the AJAX AuthenticationSErvice class, which of the following must be true?
  1. It must be enabled in the web.config of the ASP.Net application.
  2. Forms Authentication must be enabled in the web.config of the ASP.Net Application
  3. Cookies must be enabled in the browser
  4. A redirection url must be supplied for successful login.
  5. All of the above.
25. In the following example,by which technique can the method Test in the derived class Cat access the implementation of MakeNoise in the base class?
Public Class Animal
Public Overridable Sub MakeNoise()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Cat
  1. Once overridden, the base class members are inaccessible rom the derived class.
  2. Public Sub Test() Animal.MakeNoise() End Sub
  3. Public Sub Test() MyBase.MakeNoise() End Sub
  4. Public Sub Test() CType(Me, Animal).MakeNoise() End Sub
26. Which of the following will be executed without error?
Public Class Fruit
End Class
Public Class Apple
Inherits Fruit
End Class
  1. Dim list As New List(Of Fruit) list.Add(New Apple) list.Add(New Fruit) Dim apple As Apple = list(0)
  2. Dim list As New List(Of Fruit) list.Add(New Apple) list.Add(New Fruit) Dim fruit As Fruit = list(0)
  3. Dim list As New List(Of Apple) list.Add(New Apple) list.Add(New Fruit) Dim apple As Apple = list(0)
  4. Dim list As New List(Of Apple) list.Add(New Apple) list.Add(New Fruit) Dim fruit As Fruit = list(0)
27. Which of the following are true when using a POST command to access a WebService method?
  1. There is a size limitation on the parameters that can be passed
  2. A query string is used to pass the parameters.
  3. By default, JSON formatting is used for serialization
  4. By default, XML formatting is used for serialization
  5. The data is automatically deserialized into .NET types before the actual Web Service method is invoked.
28. The earliest event where one can be assured all child controls exist is:
  1. Load
  2. LoadComplete
  3. PreRender
  4. Init
29. Identify the syntactically correct LINQ query or queries, assuming dt is a DataTable
  1. Dim result = (From r In dt Select r.Field(Of Int32)(“Value”)).Max
  2. Dim result = Select r.Field(Of Int32)(“Value”)).Max From dt
  3. Dim result = Select Max(“Value”) From dt.AsEnumerable
  4. Dim result = Aggregate r In dt Into Max(r.Field(Of Integer)(“value”))
30. By which contract are the WS-Addressing action and reply action elements of the soap envelope controllable when the Windows Communication Foundation is used?
  1. ServiceContract
  2. OperationContract
  3. DataContract
  4. MessageContract
31. Which of the following differentiates a UserControl from a Custom Server control?
  1. UserControl can directly express rendering information via markup; a Custom Server control can not.
  2. UserControl does not require the use of the @Register directive; a Custom Server control does require it.
  3. UserControl can make use of script based validation; a Custom Server control can not.
  4. UserControl can represent complete compositate hierarchy; a Custom Server control can not.
32. In which file are Predefined Client Side Validation Scripts defined?
  1. WebUIValidation.js
  2. ClientValidation.js
  3. AspNetValidation.js
  4. USerValidation.js
33. Identify the syntactically correct LINQ query or queries, assuming dt is a DataTable
  1. Dim key As String = “test” Dim result = From r In Dt Where r(0) = key Select r(1)
  2. Dim key As String = “test” Dim result = From r In dt.AsEnumerable Where r(0) = key Select r(1)
  3. Dim key As String = “test” Dim result = Select r(1) From r In Dt Where r(0) = key
  4. Dim key As String = “test” Dim result = Select r(1) From r In Dt.AsEnumerable Where r(0) = key
34. What is the result of Console.WriteLine(“{0}:{1}:{2}”, CInt(2.5), CInt(1.5), Fix(1.5))?
  1. 2:2:2
  2. 3:2:2
  3. 3:2:1
  4. 2:2:1

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