Monday 8 February 2016

Test answers for Programming Aptitude Test 2016

53 Answered Test Questions:

1. A bus travels from point A to point E. At stop B, it drops seven passengers and picks up twelve. At point C it drops four passengers and picks up one third of the passengers as compared to the passengers picked up at point B. At point D, it drops five passengers and picks up double the number it drops. At point E, it picks up five passengers and drops half the number as compared to the passengers dropped at point C. If there are twenty passengers in the bus at point E, how many passengers were there in it at point A?
• 5
• 9
• 7
• 11
2. He cannot dance because he is a singer. Which out of the following is the most appropriate conclusion?
• All singers can dance.
• Some singers cannot dance.
• No singer can dance.
• Some singers can dance.
3. Given below is a set of numbers. Find the missing number.

354, 180, 64, ___, 10.2, 8.7
• 21
• 18
• 27
• 12
4. Four friends, A, B, C, and D, decide to save money in a bank. The bank's specialty is that every month, the money gets doubled. At the end of the second month, A withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the third month, B withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the fourth month, C withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the fifth month, D withdraws $50.016 from the bank. After the last withdrawal, their balance in the bank becomes zero. Calculate how much amount the four friends had deposited in the bank?
• $13.438
• $23.438
• $25.438
• $30.438
• $44.438
5. In a certain code, INTELLIGENT is written as EJPAHHECAJP. How is HUMOROUS written in the same code?
6. Find the missing number in the above diagram.
• 32
• 31
• 26
• 24
7. If some fruits are vegetables, all vegetables are plants, some plants are leaves and all leaves are green, which of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• All plants are green.
• All vegetables are green.
• Some vegetables are leaves.
• All plants are leaves.
8. A man buys a table for $60. After a year, the value of the table has increased to $70 and he decides to sell the table. But a few days later, he regrets his decision to sell the table and buys it again. Unfortunately, he has to pay $80 to get it back. So he loses $10. After another year of owning the table, he finally decides to sell the table for $90. What is the overall profit or loss the man makes?
• A profit of $20
• A profit of $10
• A profit of $30
• A loss of $30
• A loss of $10
9. When Jack sleeps, Jill starts crying and Peter starts laughing. If Peter is not laughing, which of the following is the most appropriate conclusion?
• Jack is not sleeping but Jill is crying.
• Jack is not sleeping.
• Jack is sleeping but Jill is not crying.
• Jack is sleeping but Jill is crying.
10. If all players are young and young players are strong, which of the following is the most logical conclusion?
• Those who are strong are players.
• Those who are only strong but not young are players.
• Only young people can be players.
• Only young players can be strong.
11. There are five people, A, B, C, D and E. A is older than B. C is older than D. D is older than E. B and E are of exactly the same age.
If the above information is true, which of the following must also be true?
• C is younger than E.
• C is older than A.
• B is older than C.
• A is older than E.
12. A man is climbing up a cliff. He climbs six meters in one minute and falls down three meters in the next minute. This sequence goes on throughout the climb. Calculate the time taken to reach the top if the cliff is 60 meters high?
• 31 minutes
• 33 minutes
• 39 minutes
• 40 minutes
13. Four people, Peter, Smith, Jack, and Tom, arrive at the airport. If three people are speaking the truth and only one is lying, who is the first person to arrive at the airport?

Peter: "Tom got here first."
Smith: "Peter arrived later than Tom."
Jack: "Smith is lying."
Tom: "I arrived earlier than Jack."
• Peter
• Jack
• Tom
• Smith
14. If Sophie has five friends in the class and no one else has five friends, which out of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• No one in the class has friends.
• Everybody in the class has friends.
• All friends of Sophie have 5 friends each.
• At least 1 student in the class has 5 friends.
15. Find the next number in the series 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, ___?
• -21
• -33
• -27
• -30
16. Look at the following arrangement?

What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
• D*%
• 2CJ
• $%S
• 7JQ
17. Given below is a set of numbers. One of the numbers does not belong to the set. Which one is it?

36, 157, 303, 470, 666, 891
• 891
• 157
• 303
• 470
• 666
18. How many A's in the following sequence are immediately preceded by B but not immediately followed by C?

• 2
• 3
• 4
• 1
19. If all buses are cars, all cars are trains, all trains are trucks and no truck is a scooter, which of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• All scooters are cars.
• Some buses are scooters.
• All buses are trucks.
• Some trucks cannot be cars.
20. On an average, Robert drinks 360 bottles of wine in a year. Which of the given statements would be true?
• Robert drinks more than 35 bottles of wine in a month.
• Robert drinks less than 8 bottles of wine in a week.
• Robert drinks more than 2 bottles of wine every day.
• Robert drinks 100 bottles of wine in 6 months.
21. Albert repays three installments, a, b and c, of a loan that he had taken for buying an electric heater. The total of the first installment and the second installment is $150. The total of the second installment and the third installment is $200. The total of the third installment and thrice the first installment is $250. What is the third installment?
• $50
• $100
• $150
• $200
22. There are four birds A,B,C, and D. A can fly eight miles farther than B. B can fly five miles farther than C. A can fly thirteen miles farther than C. D can fly twenty miles farther than A. Which one can fly the farthest?
• A
• B
• C
• D
23. On hearing the letter 'A', an athlete jumps once, on hearing the letter 'B', he jumps thrice and on hearing the letter 'C', he jumps twice. If the sequence in which he jumps is ABCCBABCACCB, how many times did the athlete jump?
• 35
• 20
• 30
• 25
24. In a certain code, "how are you" is written as 'dmadv vitres zonki', 'are you jack' is written as 'vitres zonki jack' and 'flowers are beautiful' is written as 'dregres vitres istebla'. What is the code for 'are'?
• dmadv
• dregres
• zonki
• vitres
25. A dial clock shows the time as quarter past eight when seen through a mirror. What is the actual time shown by the clock?
• Quarter to four
• Quarter past two
• Quarter to three
• Quarter past four
26. If all dogs are faithful and some dogs are pets, which out of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• All dogs that are pets are faithful.
• Some dogs are faithful.
• All dogs that are faithful are pets.
• Some pets that are dogs are faithful.
27. In a sports tournament, team R is at the top in the league while team O has less points than team R but more points than team B. If team C has more points than team V and team V is exactly below team O, which team is at the second place?
• R
• B
• O
• C
• V
28. A watch shows the correct time at midnight and then begins to lose 15 minutes per hour. Six hours ago, it stopped completely. If the clock now shows the time as 3:45 a.m., what is the time now?
• 9:00 a.m.
• 10:00 a.m.
• 11:00 a.m.
• 12 noon
29. Jack refused to buy a computer offered to him by Sam for $2048. A year later, Sam again offered Jack the same computer for $1280 but Jack refused again. The next year, he again offered Jack the same computer for $800. One year after that, the computer was again offered but Jack did not buy it. The following year, Jack bought the computer from Sam for $312.50. If the rate of discount offered every year were constant, at what price was the computer offered in the fourth year?
• $456
• $500
• $526
• $550
30. Find the next number in the series 1, 3, 15, 45, 225, ___?
• 675
• 1125
• 550
• 450
31. If some caps are hats, some hats are umbrellas, some umbrellas are coats and all coats are shirts, which of the following is correct?
• Those umbrellas which are not coats are shirts.
• Some shirts are umbrellas.
• Those caps which are not hats are shirts.
• All shirts are caps.
32. Find the next number in the series 10, 2, 8, 2, 6, 2, __?
• 4
• 6
• 8
• 10
33. If engineers are called 'goats', doctors are called 'sheep', lawyers are called 'ducks', painters are called 'sparrows' and singers are called 'lions', what will Peter be called if he left engineering to become a painter and is now a singer?
• goat
• sheep
• duck
• sparrow
• lion
34. If '+' means '-', '/' means '+', '-' means '*' and '*' means '/', what would be the value of 3030 / 20 * 50 + 10 - 220?
• 730.4
• 830.4
• 630.4
• 930.4
35. Statement:Some teachers are lawyers and no lawyer is a doctor. What is the correct conclusion from the given statement?
• No teacher is a doctor.
• No lawyer is a teacher.
• Some teachers are doctors.
• Some lawyers are teachers.
36. The cost of the first camera is three eighths more than that of the second and the cost of the third camera is five eighths more than that of the second one. If the total cost of all the three cameras is $12000, what will be the cost of the second camera?
• $1000
• $2000
• $3000
• $6000
37. In a certain code, P$Q means P is a brother of Q, P@Q means P is daughter of Q, P%Q means P is the grandfather of Q, P*Q means P is a son of Q. Which of the following expressions represents the relationship: A is the father of C?
• A*B@C
• A*B%C
• C*B%A
• C*A%B
38. A, B, C, D, and E are five children studying in a class. D is taller than A. B is shorter than C but taller than E. C is taller than D. E is taller than A. Who among the following is the shortest in height?
• A
• B
• C
• D
• E
39. If some books are pens, all pens are tables, all tables are chairs and no chair is an eraser, which of the following is correct?
• All books are tables.
• All books are chairs.
• No table is an eraser.
• Only some pens are chairs.
40. What is the value of R in the following set of equations?

1) P + Q = 2
2) R x P + Q = 5
3) P + R x Q = 7
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 7
41. If pencils are cheaper than pens, and pens are cheaper than erasers; and Peter does not have enough money to buy 5 pens, which of the following will be the most appropriate answer?
• Peter has money to buy 1 pen.
• Peter does not have money to buy 1 pen.
• Peter has money to buy 5 pencils.
• Peter has money to buy pencils but not enough money to buy pens.
• Peter has enough money to buy erasers.
42. In a basketball tournament, a player scored three points in his first match. In the second match, he scored five points more than he scored in the first match. In the third match, he scored five times more points as compared to the first match. The points in the fifth and the sixth matches were thirty five and forty eight points respectively. Calculate the points which the player scored in his fourth match, if all the points scored follow a particular pattern?
• 18
• 21
• 24
• 30
43. If all bells are made from brass, brass is a metal and some metals are yellow in color, which of the following is/are the most appropriate answer/s?
• Brass is not yellow in color.
• All yellow colored things are metals.
• Bells are made from metal.
• Bells can be brown in color.
44. In a certain code, BREAD is written as $#*@!, and BUTTER is written as $3%%*#. How is RUBBER written in that code?
• #3%%*@
• #3$$@$
• #3%%#$
• #3$$*#
45. If all red flowers are white and no white flowers are pink, which of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• No red flower is pink.
• Some red flowers are pink.
• No red flowers are white.
• All white flowers are red.
46. What would come in place of the question mark in the following letter-number series?

• V100E
• V125E
• U125E
• W125E
47. Statement:Some teachers are lawyers and no lawyer is a doctor. What is the correct conclusion drawn from the given statement?
• No teacher is a doctor.
• No lawyer is a teacher.
• Some teachers are doctors.
• Some lawyers are teachers.
48. Peter purchased three cameras. The cost of the first camera is 3/8-times the cost of the second camera, and the cost of the third camera is 5/8-times the cost of the second camera. If the total cost of the three cameras is $12,000, what is the cost of the second camera?
• $1,000
• $2,000
• $3,000
• $6,000
49. A certain clock shows the correct time at midnight and then begins to lose 15 minutes per hour. Six hours ago, when it stopped completely, it showed the time as 3:45 a.m. What is the time now?
• 9:00 a.m.
• 10:00 a.m.
• 11:00 a.m.
• 12 noon
50. If all dogs are faithful and some dogs are pets, then which of the following is the most appropriate answer?
• All pets that are dogs are faithful.
• Some dogs are faithful.
• All dogs that are faithful are pets.
• Some pets that are dogs are faithful.
51. Carefully study the following arrangement:


What will replace the question mark (?) in the following sequence, which is based on the above-given arrangement?
• D*%
• 2CJ
• $%S
• 7JQ
52. In a certain code,
P$Q means P is the brother of Q,
P@Q means P is the daughter of Q,
P%Q means P is the grandfather of Q, and
P*Q means P is the son of Q.

Which of the following expressions represents the relationship: P is the father of R?
• P*Q@R
• P*Q%R
• R*Q%P
• R*P@Q
53. A bus travels from Point A to Point E. At Point B, it drops seven passengers and picks up twelve. At Point C, it drops four passengers and picks up one-third of the total number of passengers it picked up at Point B. At Point D, it drops five passengers and picks up double the number it drops. At Point E, it picks up five passengers and drops half the number of passengers it dropped at Point C. If there are twenty passengers in the bus at Point E, how many passengers were there in it at Point A?
• 5
• 9
• 7
• 11

1 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
54. Four friends: A, B, C and D decide to deposit money in a certain bank where money gets doubled every month. At the end of the second month, A withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the third month, B withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the fourth month, C withdraws $50 from the bank. At the end of the fifth month, D withdraws $50.016 from the bank. After the last withdrawal, their balance in the bank becomes zero. Calculate how much amount the four friends had collectively deposited in the bank?
• $13.438
• $23.438
• $25.438
• $30.438
• $44.438

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