Wednesday 3 February 2016

Test answers for Objective-C Test

30 Answered Test Questions:

1. What comments are supported in Obj-C?
• // Line comments
• /* Block comments */
• # Line comments
• ; Line comments
• -[[ block comments ]]
2. What is a protocol?
• A class that uses functions instead of methods
• A method signature
• A class signature
• An interface without an implementation
• None of the above
3. What is the isa variable in objects?
• Object size
• Object memory footprint
• Object class identification
• Object serial numbe
• None of the above
4. In which version of Objective-C did the fast enumeration system appear?
• 2.0
• 1.5
• 1.0
• 3.0
5. What is an IMP?
• A special type used for computation
• An alias for SEL
• A preprocessor directive defined to the implementation name
• The C type of a method implementation pointe
• None of the above
6. What is the default visibility for instance variables?
• @private
• @package
• @public
• @protected
• None of the above
7. What type of variable do you need to use to implement singletons?
• static
• auto
• const
• volatile
8. What is a category?
• A namespace
• A category is a way to add instance variables to a class which already exists
• A category is a group of classes
• A category is a way to add methods to a class which already exists
• None of the above
9. How do you allocate an object?
• MyClass *obj = malloc(sizeof(MyClass));
• MyClass *obj = [MyClass alloc];
• MyClass *obj = alloc(MyClass);
• MyClass *obj = [MyClass new];
• None of the above
10. Is the following code a correct allocation?

MyClass myObj;

[&myObj aMessage];
• Yes
• No
11. What is an autoreleased object?
• A C object.
• A static object.
• An object that is garbage collected.
• An object that will be released when the current AutoreleasePool is deallocated.
• None of the above
12. Which of the following declares a protocol?
• @proto ProtocolName
• protocol ProtocolName {};
• @protocol ProtocolName
• @interface <ProtocolName>
• @interface ProtocolName::Protocol
13. In which version of Objective-C did the properties system appear?
• 3.0
• 2.5
• 2.0
• 1.5
• 1.0
14. What is the id type?
• A generic C type that Objective-C uses for an arbitrary object
• A memory address type
• A type to hold serialized objects
• The type used for Classes
• None of the above
15. When using the garbage collector, which method, that is normally called without the collector, is not called on your objects where they are collected?
• free
• dealloc
• destroy
• uninit
16. Which of the following creates a class that conforms to a protocol?
• @interface ClassName [ProtocolName]
• @interface ClassName <ProtocolName>
• @interface ClassName < ProtocolName
• @interface ClassName::ProtocolName
• @interface ClassName(ProtocolName)
17. What is a @finally block?
• A block that is executed when the program quits
• A block that is executed within a dynamic library when it's unloaded
• A block of code that is run whenever an exception is thrown or not
• None of the above
18. What is true regarding @protected?
• The instance variable is accessible within the class that declares it and within classes that inherit it
• The instance variable is accessible everywhere
• The instance variable is accessible only within the class that declares it.
• This is analogous to private_extern for variables and functions. Any code outside the class implementation's image that tries to use the instance variable will get a link error
• None of the above
19. A class can conform to only one protocol.
• True
• False
20. What class specifiers are supported?
• There is no such thing as class specifiers
21. How do you throw an exception?
• Raise Exception
• @throw exception
• RAISE exception
• THROW exception
• None of the above
22. What is nil?
• The null object
• The null class
• It doesn't exist
• None of the above
23. What does the following imply?

Worker *ceo = [[Worker alloc] init];
ceo->boss = nil;
• That the ceo object is statically typed
• That the boss instance variable is declared @protected
• That the boss instance variable is declared @public
• That the ceo is in fact a structure
• This code is not correct
24. Can an exception caught in @catch be re-thrown?
• Yes
• No
25. What is true regarding @public?
• It doesn't exist in Objective-C
• It breaks encapsulation
• It can be used only on singleton objects
• None of the above
26. Which of the following is false?
• Method lookup is done at runtime
• When a method is called, the send is automatically available as the sender variable, like self or supe
• Messages can be sent to nil
• Methods in static libraries must be present at link time
27. What can you use to avoid the msgSend function overhead?
• You can't use anything
• None of the above
28. What does Obj-C not support?
• Instance variables
• Class variables
• Static variables
• Automatic variables
29. What is not supported in Obj-C?
• Recursive method call
• Variable argument count to method
• Byte manipulation
• Method argument default value
• None of the above
30. What will be the output of the following code?

static int

a (void)


printf ("a\n");

return 0;


static int

b (void)


printf ("b\n");

return 1;


static int

c (void)


printf ("c\n");

return 2;



main (int argc, const char *argv[])


printf ("%d %d %d", a (), b (), c ());

return 0;

• a b c 0 1 2
• a b c 2 1 0
• c b a 0 1 2
• c b a 2 1 0
• None of the above

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