Monday 8 February 2016

Test answers for Master Trainer Certification 2016

6 Answered Test Questions:

1. What is not true about a mesocycle?
• It refers to a very long training cycle, usually one year
• A number of microcycles constitute a mesocycle
• It can be utilized to develop strength, endurance and power
• It usually has five weeks of workout and one week of active rest
2. What would be 1RM of a client who does 12 reps with 100lbs?
• 129
• 139
• 193
• 142
3. State whether true or false:

You should rest your chest against the back pad while doing Rear Delt Fly.
• True
• False
4. Which of these decreases flexibility?
• Higher intake of water
• Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
• Bone structure
• Connective tissue
5. What would be a client's BMI if a client's weight is 50kgs and his height 1.55m?
• 20.8kg/sq m
• 18.5kg/sq m
• 29.9kg/sq m
• 21.8kg/ sq m
6. Which of the following is not a phase of linear periodization?
• Strength
• Hypertrophy
• Power
• Flexibility

63 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
7. Which of these is not a component of fitness in youth?
• Metabolism
• Endurance
• Flexibility
• Strength
8. Which of these is not a characteristic of the hypertrophy phase of periodization?
• It is helpful for the high intensity phase to follow
• It is helpful to achieve a high level of muscular endurance
• It consists of 20 reps
• It is a moderate to high intensity phase
9. State whether true or false:

Exercises can trigger an asthma attack.
• True
• False
10. In which type of muscle action does the muscle shorten in length as it contracts?
• Isometric
• Eccentric
• Isotonic
• Isokinetic
11. Which of the following is correct about Dumbbell One Arm Upright Row?
• It is important to maintain good posture while performing this exercise
• It is important to keep your elbow slightly bent at the bottom of the motion, in order to maintain pressure on your deltoid muscle
• You should not jerk your back while raising the dumbbell
• All of the above
12. What is Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR?
• It is the breakdown of the ingested food leading to the production of energy
• It is a set of constructive metabolic processes
• It is an individual's minimum calorific requirement at rest
• It is the rate required to maintain a stable internal environment
13. State whether true or false:

Improvement in one's explosive strength hampers acceleration.
• True
• False
14. What is the exercise in the picture called?
• Cable Seated Crunch
• Cable Triceps Extension
• Cable Lateral Raise
• Cable Kneeling Triceps Extension
15. State whether true or false:

Anabolism comprises of chemical reactions that break down complex molecules into simpler ones and produce energy.
• True
• False
16. The five sets in a Pyramid include:
• 12, 8, 10, 10 and 12 reps
• 12, 10, 8, 10 and 12 reps
• 8, 10, 12, 10 and 12 reps
• 12, 10, 10, 12 and 8 reps
17. Which of these helps improve metabolism?
• Weight lifting
• Resistance Training
• Aerobic exercises
• Strength Training
18. What is the exercise in the picture called?
• E-Z Bar Lying Row
• Dumbbell Lying Row
• Dead Lift
• Weighted Incline Leg-Hip Raise
19. Lifting the leg and keeping it high without any outside support is an example of _______ flexibility.
• dynamic
• static-active
• static-passive
20. State whether true or false:

A low resting heart rate indicates a good health condition.
• True
• False
21. Which of the following is correct about Cable Standing Fly?
• It targets the chest muscles
• You need to lie face up on a decline bench between the cable crossover machines to perform this exercise
• It targets the leg muscles
• You need to lift your body off the floor by extending your arms to do this exercise
22. Which of these is not a kind of proprioceptor?
• Intrafusal fiber
• Sarcomere
• Golgi tendon organ
• Pacinian corpuscle
23. Which of these is not a level of organization in the body?
• Molecular
• Organ
• Process
• System
24. An individual's rate of perceived exertion measuring 13 on the Borg scale would indicate that it is:
• very light
• somewhat hard
• no exertion at all
• maximal exertion
25. What is concentric strength?
• It is the maximum amount of weight that you can lower under control while exercising
• It is the maximum amount of weight that you can hold in a stationary position for a long time
• It is the strength per unit of time or the maximum force produced in minimum time
• It is the state when the muscle shortens in length and develops tension when it tries to overcome resistance
26. What does DOMS stand for?
• Duration of Onset Muscle Soreness
• Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
• Delayed Offset Muscle Soreness
• Delayed Onset Mass Soreness
27. Which muscles does the Pectoral Fly work?
• Traps
• Back
• Abdomen
• Chest
28. State whether true or false:

The volume of training load is directly proportional to its intensity.
• True
• False
29. Which of these is not true about Drop Sets?
• The same exercise is performed for a number of sets without any rest in between and without lowering the weight after each set
• They work well when extra intensity is required
• They are a great way to achieve harder and ripped muscles
• They are one of the best methods for complete exhaustion of the muscles
30. Which of the following body part does the Incline Cable Pushdown target?
• Triceps
• Abdomen
• Legs
• Back
31. Which of these are examples of Push-Pull Supersets?
• A combination of biceps curls with the triceps pushdown
• Flexing the abs hard and holding them in the flexed position
• A combination of shoulder press and lat pull down
• The twenty-rep squat
32. Which of these is a determinant of VO2 max?
• Cardiac output
• Strength
• Metabolism
• Flexibility
33. The laboratory method to test flexibility of various joints is known as __________.
• goniometry
• sit and reach test
• toe-touch test
• GXT method
34. What would be the training zone (upper and lower end) of a 25 year old man with a RHR of 70?
• 170, 145
• 175, 145
• 140, 170
• 140, 175
35. What is true about Cable Neck Extension?
• You have to put your neck in the harness cable attachment
• You should sit some distance away from the middle pulley
• You should sit facing the pulley
• You should sit on the side of the pulley
36. What is the purpose of cheat reps?
• To increase intensity
• To achieve further reps
• To increase the weight
• To increase flexibility
37. The maximum level of tension that can be created by a group of muscles is known as ____________.
• muscular endurance
• muscular strength
• aerobic endurance
• Body Mass Index
38. Which of these is not true about wrist straps?
• They are very useful for a deadlift
• They strengthen the bones of the wrist
• They help a lifter to use more weight initially than he would be able to handle safely for the entire set
• They help to build muscle
39. Which of the following is Pre-Exhaustion a combination of?
• An isolation exercise with a compound exercise
• Drop Sets with Super Sets
• Push-Pull Supersets and Drop Sets
• Rest-Pause and isolation exercises
40. What is the exercise in the picture called?
• Barbell Rear Delt Row
• E-Z Bar Lying Row
• Dumbbell Lying Row
• Barbell Bent Arm Pullover
41. Which of these is a determinant to measure a person's abdominal obesity?
• Skinfold measurement
• Body Mass Index
• Waist Hip ratio
• Computer Tomography
42. Which of the following activities is/are not recommended for people belonging to special populations?
• Jogging
• Biking
• Lap swimming
• Tennis
43. What is a goniometer?
• It is a device to measure metabolism
• It is a device to measure strength
• It is a device to measure the range of movement
• It is a device to measure the training load
44. Which body part does the Smith Machine Front Press work?
• Chest
• Back
• Triceps
• Shoulders
45. __________ are a combination of Pyramids and Drop Sets.
• Supersets
• Diminishing Sets
• Drop Sets
• Burnouts
46. State whether true or false:

You can use a lifting belt to do a Barbell Front Raise.
• True
• False
47. Which of these is a function of glycolysis?
• It is used to make ATP
• It provides energy for medium-duration workouts like bodybuilding, wrestling and swimming
• It uses the mitochondria in the cells to produce energy
• It helps to transform a glucose molecule (which enters the cell from the blood) into pyruvic acid which releases energy
48. Which test of measuring cardio respiratory fitness entails walking on a treadmill?
• Coopers test
• GXT method
• The Rockport Walking test
• The YMCA 3-minute step test
49. Which of these resistance devices is designed in order to make an individual's weight increase or decrease during an exercise movement?
• Constant resistance devices
• Accommodating resistance devices
• Variable resistance devices
• Static resistance devices
50. Which of these exercises target the chest?
• Reverse Preacher Curl with EZ Bar
• Decline Cable Fly
• Reverse Calf Raise
• Dumbbell Raise
51. __________ measures the flexibility of the lower back and that of the hamstring muscles.
• Hip Flexor flexibility
• Sit and Reach test
• Passive range of motion
• Dynamic flexibility
52. Which of the following is not true about Standing Side Reach Lat Stretch?
• You need to place one arm on your hip
• You need to kneel in front of a chair on a mat
• You need to raise either arm overhead
• You need to lean towards the opposite side of the raised arm
53. Give the correct sequence for performing a Barbell Close Grip Bench Press?

1.Keep your wrists straight and your elbows close to your body
2.Grip the barbell with your hands 15-18 inches apart
3.Push the barbell back up while exhaling
4.Lift the barbell off of the rack and slowly lower it towards your chest
• 1,2,3,4
• 4,3,2,1
• 2,4,1,3
• 2,4,3,1
54. Which of the following kinds of periodization starts from a high volume of low intensity workout and moves towards a low volume of high intensity workout?
• Linear Periodization
• Alternating Periodization
• Step Periodization
• Skill-Strength Periodization
55. An individual holding his position of half squat for a long time is an example of ___________.
• explosive strength
• isometric strength
• eccentric strength
• concentric strength
56. What would be a woman's BMR if she weighs 55 kilograms, is 153 cm tall and 24 years of age?
• 1400
• 1253.25
• 1353.25
• 1533.25
57. Which of these is true about fascial stretching?
• It is also called the contract-relax-contract
• It combines flexibility exercises with massage
• It is rigorous and arduous
• It uses the momentum of a moving body or a limb
58. _________ are used best for opposing muscle groups.
• Supersets
• Drop Sets
• Push-Pull Sets
• Staggered Sets
59. The result that one expects from training  is called___________.
• aerobic endurance
• anaerobic endurance
• oxygen debt
• training effect
60. State whether True or False:

It is important to lock your knees when you return to the starting position while performing front squats with the Smith machine.
• True
• False
61. Which sport tests the limit strength of an individual?
• Rowing
• Biking
• Push-ups
• Power Lifting
62. Which of these tests measures the fitness levels of your chest muscles?
• 1 RM testing
• Crunch test
• GXT method
• The Push-Up test
63. What is not true about the trap muscles?
• They are responsible for movements of the shoulder blade
• They play a role in the breathing process
• They are responsible for straightening the elbow in order to extend the arm
• They contribute in the movement of the neck and the head
64. Which of these is not a component of fitness?
• Muscular strength
• Muscular endurance
• Flexibility
• Metabolism
65. State whether true or false:

Girls who exercise in the childhood will have a better bone health in their lifetime.
• True
• False
66. Which of these is a source of energy?
• ATP-CP pathway
• Glycolysis
• Aerobic system
• Catabolism
• Anabolism
67. Circling arms, exaggerating a kicking action and walking lunges are examples of  __________.
• isometric stretching
• dynamic stretching
• ballistic stretching
• PNF stretching
68. State whether true or false:

Isometric contractions improve muscular endurance.
• True
• False
69. State whether true or false:

You can do as many reps as you feel like until you get fatigued in Strip Sets.
• True
• False

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