Monday 8 February 2016

Test answers for Knowledge of Microsoft Expression Web 4 Skills Test

53 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
1. By default, which of the following files are marked by the Publishing view for publishing in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Recently updated files.
• Files with size > 500 kb.
• Only the selected files.
• All the files.
2. What is the function of the 'CSS Display: none Elements' shown in the figure above?
• It shows the page without CSS rules.
• It shows those elements which have no content.
• It shows elements that are hidden by a style that includes display: none.
• It shows CSS rules for each element.
3. The top half part of the CSS Properties panel under the tab Applied Rules shown above provides a list of which styling rules?
• All the inline applied styling rules.
• All the external applied styling rules.
• All the internal applied styling rules.
• All the applied rules whether internal, external or inline.
4. What is the default content type in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• <meta content="en-us" http-equiv="Content-Language" />
• <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
• <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-2022-JP" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
• Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 don't supply automatic content tag and we have to supply it.
5. What is the button, being pointed to in the figure above, of the Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 Common toolbar used for?
• To add a table tag with 2 columns and 2 rows.
• To add a div tag.
• To show borders along the elements.
• To adjust the margin and padding along each element in the Microsoft Expression Web 4.0.
6. In Microsoft Expression Web 4.0, how will the content be displayed if you use the Hyperlinks View option?
• A list of all files that link to a selected file or that are linked from a selected file is shown.
• A diagram of all files that link to a selected file or that are linked from a selected file is shown.
• A list of external links to a selected file is shown.
• A list of links to the images and files outside the root folder is shown.
7. What is the Snapshot panel, marked as 'A' in the figure above, of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 used for?
• To take a snap shot picture of a selected region.
• To preview the current page as it will be viewed in the browser.
• To preview the current page as it will be viewed in the browser without CSS rules.
• To edit the page as it can be edited in the Design view.
8. What is the default CSS schema version used in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• CSS level1
• CSS level2
• CSS level2.1
9. While working in the Split view of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0, how can the changes made in the Code view be reflected in the Design view?
• The changes are reflected in the Design view automatically.
• To apply the changes to the Design view, you must save your file or press F5.
• The changes are not reflected in the Design view until you view your site in the browser.
• The changes are reflected when the Design view gets the focus.
10. What is the function of 'Clear Styles', shown in the figure above, of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 Apply Styles panel?
• Removes all the selected styles (internal, external, inline) from the page.
• Removes all the styles from the page.
• Removes only the inline styles from the page.
• Removes all class selectors and inline styles from the current selection.
11. If an interactive button is deleted in Expression Web 4.0, what happens to the files associated with it?
• The files will be deleted automatically.
• The files will not delete automatically and have to be deleted manually.
• The files will move to the other folders in the web site.
• Only some files will be deleted.
12. What is the button, being pointed to in the figure above, of the Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 Pictures toolbar used for?
• To add a rectangle in the page.
• To resize the image in a rectangle of specific size.
• To select a rectangle in an image.
• To add a rectangular hotspot in the image.
13. What is the difference between the two arrows in the Hyperlink View of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 shown in the figure above?
• i) represents links that aren't broken, whereas ii) represents links that are broken or that are unverified.
• i) represents broken links to the external resources only (excludes the internal broken links, if any), whereas ii) represents all the external links (excluding all the internal links) that are not broken.
• i) represents broken links, including hyperlinks and file references, whereas ii) represents links that aren't broken or that are unverified.
• i) represents all the external links (excluding all the internal links) that are not broken, whereas ii) represents broken links to the external resources only (excludes the internal broken links, if any).
14. What is the function of the button, being pointed to in the figure above, of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 Dynamic web Template toolbar?
• It updates all the pages attached with the dynamic web template.
• It updates only the current page.
• It does not update any page.
15. What happens when you disable an add-in in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• It is removed from the computer.
• It remains on the computer for easy reloading.
• You can't disable an add-in.
• It remains on the computer but you can't reload it.
16. What happens in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 when the number of simultaneous FTP, SFTP, or FTPS connections exceeds the connection limit imposed by the server?
• Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 displays the error message: "Too many connections from this IP".
• Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 terminates the FTP transfer.
• Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 displays the warning message: "Please close some FTP connection".
• Expression automatically closes the FTP connection which has not been used for the last 5 minutes without displaying any message.
17. Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 can import alpha channels or spot color channels from a Photoshop image.
• True
• False
18. Which folders are used by Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 to store the metadata information about your web site?
• _pvt_fol
• _vti_cnf
• _vti_pvt
• Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 does not store meta data.
19. Which of the following functions CANNOT be performed in the Quick Tag Editor dialog box of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Inserting HTML
• Editing existing tags
• Deleting existing tags
• Wrapping assets of tags around another tag
20. What is the default HTML doctype used in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• XHTML 1.0 Transitional
• HTML 4.01 Strict
• HTML 4.01 Transitional
• XHTML 1.0 Strict
21. What is the purpose of the button, marked as 1 in the figure above, of the Layers panel in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• To create a new layer by dragging in a web page.
• To change the id value of the particular layer.
• To delete a layer.
• To add a new layer where your cursor is located in your web page.
22. What will happen if you click the "Run accessibility checker button", being pointed to in the figure above, in the Accessibility panel of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• It will show the last accessibility report marking the errors from the last report as red.
• It will generate the accessibility report to discover issues that are identified as being in conflict with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
• It will refresh the accessibility report.
23. Which property in the Flash SWF Properties dialog box General tab should be checked, so that the flash file runs automatically when the file is loaded in the browser?
• Loop
• SWlive connect
• Autoplay
• Show menu
24. The Find and Replace dialog box in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 supports HTML rules in searches and has advanced HTML tag and attribute options.
• True
• False
25. Which of the following menu options under the Site menu can be used to preview only the changed file in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Publish Current File
• Publishing Settings
• Publish Changed Files
• Publish All Files
26. When you add a Flash movie in your page, which of the following tags should be used by the designer manually to have complete cross browser compatibility in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• object tag
• embed tag
• bdo tag
• site tag
27. What is the button being pointed to in the figure used for?
• To change the ActiveX settings to the default settings.
• To clear all the signed ActiveX controls that you have set Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 to always trust.
• To clear the list of unknown and unsigned ActiveX controls that you have set Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 to always trust.
• To clear the list of unsigned and signed ActiveX controls that you have set Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 to always trust.
28. What is the function of the button, being pointed to in the figure above, of the CSS Properties panel in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• It arranges the CSS properties in the alphabetical order.
• It shows set properties on top.
• It arranges the CSS properties in different categories.
• It adds a new property to the CSS Property panel.
29. What is the maximum number of images you can pile on top of one another in a web page in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• 2
• 4
• Any number
• 24
30. What does the 'Set Hyperlink ScreenTip' dialog box do in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Sets the title to the hyperlink.
• Sets the target attribute of the hyperlink.
• Sets the tooltip information to the hyperlink.
31. What is the difference between the Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 status bar icons marked as 1 and 2 in the figure above?
• Icon 2 shows that the site is compatible with the supported browser, whereas icon 1 shows that the site is incompatible.
• Icon 1 shows that the site is compatible with the supported browser, whereas icon 2 shows that it is not compatible.
• Icon 2 shows that there is a code error on the page, whereas icon 1 shows that there is no code error on the page.
• Icon 2 shows that there is no code error on the page, whereas icon 1 shows that there is a code error on the page.
32. How can you add an existing database to your website in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• By using the Import option from the File menu.
• By using the Import option from the Site menu.
• By using ASP.NET control menu from the Insert menu.
• By using the New item option from the File menu.
33. Which additional component of Expression Studio along with Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 is required to encode the video and to provide additional video skins?
• Microsoft Expression Encoder
• Microsoft Expression Blend
• Microsoft Expression Design
• You don't need any other component.
34. What is the difference between the position properties 'fixed' and 'absolute'?
• The absolute property positions an object with respect to another object, whereas the fixed property positions an object with respect to the outer edges of the page.
• The absolute property positions an object with respect to outer edges of the page, whereas the fixed property positions an object with respect to the other objects.
• The absolute property places the object in the flow of the page, whereas the fixed property positions it in relative to the other objects.
• The absolute property positions inherits the positioning from its parent element, whereas the fixed positions the object with respect to the outer edges of the page.
35. The SuperPreview feature of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 can render Flash and ActiveX content.
• True
• False
36. Which of the following types of pages/applications can be created in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Silverlight application
• Flash application
37. What do the red stricken through properties under the CSS Property Panel of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 represent?
• They are inherited by another style.
• They can't be overridden by any other style.
• These properties can't be used.
• They are set by the selected style but either aren't inherited by the current selection or are overridden by another style.
38. What does the CODEBASE property in the Flash SWF Properties dialog box on the General tab do?
• Sets the URL to the Flash file to be added in your page.
• Sets the URL to the version of the Adobe Flash player control that is required to view the Flash SWF file.
• Sets the absolute URL to the Flash file to be loaded in your page.
• Sets the relative URL to the flash file to be loaded in your page, but if this property is used, then the Base URL property must be set.
39. Which of the following is true regarding SuperPreview in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• SuperPreview follows the meta redirect tags for the specified time interval, after which it allows you to navigate to the desired page.
• Superview follows the meta redirect tags for two seconds more than the specified time interval, after which it allows you to navigate to the desired page.
• SuperPreview allows you to navigate to the desired page directly as it does not follow meta redirect tags.
• SuperPreview prohibits navigation to the desired page.
40. What will happen if you check the "Maintain the site using hidden metadata files" option box (see image) in the Site Settings menu option of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• The references will be maintained automatically when the file's location is changed or when it is renamed.
• You cannot move or rename a file after creating in your website.
• The references will be not be maintained automatically when the file's location is changed or when it is renamed.
41. What will happen if you check the "Optimize HTML during publishing" option, shown in the figure above, on the Publishing tab of the Site Settings dialog box of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• It will make the HTML page lighter by removing all redundant white space for faster upload during publishing.
• It will combine all the HTML into a single zip file for upload.
• It will remove all the non-functional HTML code in the file before publishing.
• It will check the file for any HTML error before publishing.
42. Which default tag is used in the Code view by Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 to wrap text written in the Design view?
• div tag
• p tag
• span tag
• h1 tag
43. Which style type does the red dot icon, being pointed to in the image above, in the Apply Styles panel denote, in Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• class selector
• Id selector
• element selector
• inline style
44. Which of the following publishing scenarios are true with regard to Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• You can work on your own computer and then publish your changes to a remote production web server.
• You can work on a remote staging web server and publish your changes to a remote production server.
• You can work directly on a remote production web server.
• You can't make changes to a remote web server using Microsoft Expression Web 4.0.
45. What is the use of the SEO Checker feature of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• It tells you the rank of your site in the selected search engine.
• It analyzes your site against the best practices for getting the highest possible search-engine rankings for your site.
• It makes your site invisible to the search engines.
• It makes the search engine analyze the home page of your web site.
46. Which of the following values can the 'Quality' field have in the Flash SWF file Properties dialog box of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Auto Low
• Auto High
• Very High
• High Resolution
47. In Microsoft Expression Web 4.0, what is the difference between Dynamic web template and Master Page?
• Master page copies itself to all the associated pages, whereas Dynamic web template is the source for all the layout and the styling codes.
• Dynamic web template copies itself to all the associated pages, whereas Master page is the source for all the layout and the styling codes.
• There is no difference between Dynamic web template and Master page.
48. In Microsoft Expression Web 4.0, the X and Y co-ordinates in the Tracing Image dialog box, shown in the figure above, are used to align the upper most corner of the image with the upper left corner of _________________________.
• the Design view window.
• the image's immediate parent element.
• the closest div element.
• the closest block element (div, span, etc.).
49. What is the difference between Box Highlighting mode and Light-Out Highlighting mode in the SuperPreview window, shown in the figure above?
• Box Highlighting mode highlights the selected element in blue and green in the baseline and comparison browsers, respectively. Light-out displays the selected element normally while dimming the rest.
• Box Highlighting mode highlights the selected element in green and blue in the baseline and comparison browsers, respectively. Light-out displays the selected element normally while dimming the rest.
• Box Highlighting mode highlights the selected element in blue and green in the baseline and comparison browsers, respectively. Light-out displays the selected element diminished while the rest looks normal.
• Box Highlighting mode highlights the selected element in green and blue in the baseline and comparison browsers, respectively. Light-out displays the selected element diminished while the rest looks normal.
50. Which of the following pages can be displayed by the SuperPreview service of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• All types of document.
51. Which of the following connection types are supported by Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 for publishing a site?
• WebDAV
52. Which of the following reports can be generated about CSS in your Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 website?
• Style Sheet Link report
• Compatibility reports
• CSS error report
• CSS usage report
53. Which of the following browsers are supported by the SuperPreview service of Microsoft Expression Web 4.0?
• Multiple versions of Internet Explorer
• Firefox with local client
• Macintosh Safari with online service
• Multiple versions of Opera

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