Monday 1 February 2016

Test answers for ColdFusion MX 7

110 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
1. Consider the following <cfquery> tag:

<cfquery name="GetTableData" datasource="myDSN">

Which condition should the WHERE clause contain so that only those rows are returned that contain null in column column1?
• WHERE column1 is null
• WHERE column1 = null
• WHERE column1 EQUALS null
• WHERE column1 NOT null
• WHERE column1 CONTAINS null
2. Which of the following makes CFMX7 better than the previous MX version?
• It has added support for dot notation within a recordset name
• It has added result attribute
• Deprecated connectString, dbName, dbServer, provider, and providerDSN attributes
• It has added cfquery.ExecutionTime
3. Which ColdFusion tag is used to import a Java Server Page (JSP) tag library?
• cfjimport
• cfimport
• cfinclude
• cfinsert
• cfsetting
4. Evaluate the following SQL statement:

<cfquery name="GetEmpData" datasource="myDSN">
SELECT e.employee_id, (.15* e.salary) + (.5 * e.commission_pct) + (s.sales_amount * (.35 * e.bonus)) AS CALC_VALUE FROM employees e, sales s WHERE e.employee_id = s.emp_id;

What will happen if all the parentheses are removed from the calculation in the SQL query?
• The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be lower
• The value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column will be higher
• There will be no difference in the value displayed in the CALC_VALUE column
• An error will be reported
5. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to Coldfusion Comments?
• Nesting of coldfusion comments is not allowed
• The comments can be embedded in a function or tag name
• The comments are allowed in the body of the document only
• The comments are cleared by coldfusion engine before presenting output to the browser
6. Which of the following can be used to convert real number into integers?
• Ceiling
• Int
• Round
• Fix
• All of the above
• a, c, and d
7. A code has to be generated by using 'PageCode' and 'ProductCode,' whose numeric values are derived from a database:

<cfset ArPage=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset ProductCode = #PCode#>
<cfset ClassCode = #CCode#>

You have to assign value "superherb" to ArPage where index is concatenation of ProductCode and ClassCode. Which of the following ways would you use?
• <cfset ArPage[#ProductCode##ClassCode#] = "Superherb">
• <cfset ArPage[#ProductCode# #ClassCode#] = "Superherb">
• <cfset #ArPage[ProductCode & ClassCode]# = "Superherb">
• <cfset ArPage[#ProductCode# & #ClassCode#] = "Superherb">
8. Which of the following constitute the core components of ColdFusion MX?
• ColdFusion application server
• ColdFusion Markup Language
• ColdFusion MX Administrator
• All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a valid array function?
• ArrayAppend
• ArrayInsertAt
• ArraySize
• ArrayPrepend
• None of the above
10. You need to set the value for 'UserName' to ''Guest'' if a user does not fill in the user name in the Coldfusion form.��Which of the following ways help you implement this?
• <cfset Form.UserName=''Guest''>
• <cfparam name=''Form.UserName'' default=''Guest''>
• <cfparam name=''Form.UserName'' optional=''Guest''>
• <cfparam name=''Form.UserName'' value=''Guest''>
11. What will be the result of placing the following code in any cfm file:

<cflock timeout=20 scope="Session" type="Exclusive">
   <cfset StructDelete(Session, "ShoppingCartItems")>
• The page will be timed out after 20 seconds
• The current session will time out after 20 minutes
• Delete all session variables
• Nothing will happen
12. Which of the following allows the use of CFML tags within its body?
• CFScript
• UDF and CFScript
• None of the above
13. Which of the following structure assignments is correct?
• <cfset objStruct.value1 = "value">
• <cfset objStruct[0].value1 = "value">
• <cfset objStruct[0] = "value">
• All the above
14. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to Coldfusion functions?
• Nesting of functions is not allowed
• Functions can be created using cffunction or cfscript tag
• Function may return a value
• In-built functions can't be used with user defined ones
15. Which encryption engine is used by the ColdFusion MX encrypt and hash functions?
• PGP 8.0
• Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
• CryptoText Encryption Library
• Microsoft High Encryption Pack
16. Which of the following is an invalid variable scope?
• Super
• This
• Caller
• Server
17. What is the result of the following code:
<cfset mystring = "'Newton's Law', 'Fermat's Theorem'">
• 'Newton's Law', 'Fermat's Theorem'
• Newton's Law, Fermat's Theorem
• "Newton's Law", "Fermat's Theorem"
• 'Newtons Law', 'Fermats Theorem'
18. What will XResult contain:

<cfset XResult = xmlFind(XMLObject, "//info@size='3'")>
• All the info elements that have an attribute called size with a value of 3
• The size attribute of the third info node
• The info attribute of the third size node
• The statement contains an error
19. Which of the following statements are true when you upload an image file using the <cffile> tag?
• You can know the size and dimensions of the image before actually uploading the image
• You can give your own file name when the file is uploaded for the first time
• You can set the action parameter value to "copy, rename"
• Both a and b
• Both b and c
20. You want create PDF files of your XHTML documents using ColdFusion MX. How can you do this?
• It cannot be done
• You will have to write your own highly complex code for doing this
• You can use XSLT and XSL-FO to render the XHTML as a PDF
• There is a function available in ColdFusion for creating PDFs
21. When would you prefer to use the encrypt/decrypt functions instead of the hash function?
• When you want to encrypt blocks of text larger than 1 kb
• Hash is a superior function, it is always preferred over encrypt/decrypt
• When you want the ability to decrypt the encrypted string
• When you want to use Blowfish algorithm for encryption
• When you want to use MD5 algorithm for encryption
22. If the following code is inserted into your website, when will the cookies expire?

• when the session ends
• When the application ends
• This code has no effect on the expiration of the cookies
23. Which of the following ColdFusion tags is used to get the elements, variables and values of ColdFusion objects?
• cfcollect
• cfcomponent
• cfdump
• cfdocument
24. Which of the below statements are correct regarding the following code:

<cfset a = GetTickCount()>
<cfloop from="1" to="10000" index="i">
<cfset b = GetTickCount()>
c = GetTickCount();
for (i = 1; i LTE 10000; i = i+1) ;
d = GetTickCount();
<cfoutput>#b-a# vs. #d-c#</cfoutput>
• The results are always the same each time the code is run
• The results vary each time the code is run
• This code will give an error when run
25. Which of the following statement is correct?
• The coldfusion script is contrary to Java script
• The coldfusion script runs on client system
• The coldfusion script is used for creating user defined functions
• The coldfusion script provides access to some of the in-built coldfusion functions
26. Which of the following is a correct way of commenting in Coldfusion?
• //
• <!-- -->
• /* */
• <!--- --->
27. You want to display the titles of books that meet the following criteria:

1. Purchased before November 11, 2002
2. Price is less than $500 or greater than $900

You want to sort the result by the date of purchase, starting with the most recently bought book.
Which of the following queries will you use in the <cfquery> tag?
• SELECT book_title FROM books WHERE price between 500 and 900 AND purchase_date < '11/11/2002' ORDER BY purchase_date;
• SELECT book_title FROM books WHERE price IN (500, 900) AND purchase_date < '11/11/2002' ORDER BY purchase date ASC;
• SELECT book_title FROM books WHERE price < 500 OR>900 AND purchase_date DESC;
• SELECT Book_title FROM books WHERE price < 500 OR price > 900 AND purchase_date < '11/11/2002' ORDER BY purchase date DESC;
28. A company has the following departments:

Marketing, Designing, Production, Packing

What will the following query return?

<cfquery name="GetDeptData" datasource="myDSN">
select * from departments where department < 'Marketing'
• The query will return "Designing, Marketing"
• The query will return "Designing, Production, Packing"
• The query will return "Packing"
• Strings cannot be compared using < operator
• The query will return "Designing"
29. What is the output of the following code:

<CFPARAM DEFAULT="ProjectManager" NAME="Status">
<CFPARAM DEFAULT="Six Sigma" NAME="ProjectType">
<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.Status")>
<CFELSEIF IsDefined("Status")>
You are not a <CFOUTPUT>#Status#</CFOUTPUT>
• Welcome ProjectManager
• You are not a ProjectManager
• Welcome
• Six Sigma ProjectManager
• You are not a Six Sigma
• None of the above
30. What will XResult contain:

<cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "//@size")>
• An array containing the attributes named size that fall directly beneath the root node
• An array containing the nodes named size that fall directly beneath the root node
• An array containing the attributes named size that fall anywhere beneath the root node
• An array containing the nodes named size that fall anywhere beneath the root node
• An array containing the elements named size that fall directly beneath the root node
31. Which of the following constitute the common characteristics shared by most of the Coldfusion Tags?
• They start with cf
• They have a closing tag as well
• They have attributes and most attributes have values
• All of the above
• Both a and b
32. Which of the following characters need escaping?
• #
• "
• '
• @
• All of the above
• a, b, and c
33. The <cfhttp> tag can have multiple <cfhttpparam> tags, subject to certain limitations. Which are these limitations?
• The formField type attribute is only meaningful with the cfhttp tag POST and GET methods
• The file and formField type attributes cannot be used with the cfhttp tag TRACE method
• The file type attribute is only meaningful with the cfhttp tag POST and PUT methods
• Both a and c
• Both b and c
• All the above
34. What is the output of the following code:

function autoLeadIn(string,count) {
output = '';
  if(Trim(string) NEQ '') {
textarray = ListToArray(string, " ");
if(ArrayLen(textarray) LTE count) {
count = ArrayLen(textarray);
for(i=1; i LTE count; i=i+1)
output = output & textarray[i];

if(i neq count) {
output = output & " ";
return output;
<cfoutput>#autoleadin("qwerty asdfg, poiuy, zxcvb",3)#</cfoutput>
• qwerty asdfg, poiuy,
• qwerty asdfg, poiuy
• qwerty asdfg
• qwerty asdfg, poiuy, zxcvb
35. You have created an extension to Coldfusion tag named "CalcClass." It needs one integer argument named "IntValue." Which of the following enables you to call that in the Coldfusion code?
• <cftag class=CalcClass IntValue=20>
• <cfx name=CalcClass IntValue=20>
• <cfx_CalcClass IntValue=20>
• <cfx tag=CalcClass IntValue=20>
36. Your website has to display the personal information of the user when he logs in. The table storing the personal details is 'TbUser' (with primary key Uid) and the data source is 'UserDSN.' The user id ('Uid') is passed by the login screen. Which of the following helps you retrieve the information from the database?
• <cfselect name="GetUserDetails" DSN="UserDSN"> select * from TbUser where Uid = #This.Uid# </cfselect>
• <cfquery name="GetUserDetails" datasource="UserDSN"> select * from TbUser where Uid = #URL.Uid# </cfquery>
• <cfselect name="GetUserDetails" DSN="UserDSN"> select * from TbUser where Uid = #Form.Uid# </cfselect>
• <cfquery datasource="UserDSN"> select * from TbUser where Uid = #URL.Uid# </cfquery>
37. What does the cfNTauthenticate tag do?
• Returns the version of Windows NT running on the web server
• It verifies if the database being used by the application is running
• Authenticates a user name and password against the Windows NT domain
• It authenticates an original version of the ColdFusion server
38. What is the output of the following code:
function calculateresult()
var a=55;
var b=5;
return b;
• -215
• 215
• -325
• 325
39. What is the output of the following code:

<cfoutput>reverse(6*2) equals #reverse(6*2)#</cfoutput>
• reverse(6*2) equals 12
• reverse(2*6) equals 21
• reverse(6*2) equals 21
• reverse(2*6) equals 12
40. Which of the following tags do not work in the ColdFusion MX series?
• cfauthenticate
• cfapplication
• cfloginuser
• cfmodule
41. What is the output of the following code:

function calculateresult()
var a=55;
var b=5;
return b;
• 100
• 120
• 10
• 65
42. What is the output of the following code:

   <cfset stringToSearch = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.">
   #find("no such substring",stringToSearch)#
• 3300
• 0 0 33
• 0 33 0
• 33 0 0
43. You need to create a website using ColdFusion that spans across several servers. What will be the preferred technique for maintaining session state across the servers considering that some users might have cookies disabled on their browsers?
• Use session variables
• Use the CFID and CFTOKEN cookies to track sessions
• Pass the CFID and CFTOKEN variables to every URL, form action and hyperlink and set the ClientManagement attribute of your CFApplication tag to "yes"
• Pass the CFID and CFTOKEN variables to every URL, form action and hyperlink and set the ClientManagement attribute of your CFApplication tag to "no". Set the "ClientStorage" attribute of the CFAPPLICATION tag to your specified datasource
• This cannot be accomplished
44. What is the output of the following code:

• 123
• 124
• 123.5
• 122
• 100
45. What is the output of the following code:

<cfset myArray = ArrayNew(1)>

<cfset myArray[1] = "Test Value">

   <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "Akash")>
   <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "Peterson")>
      <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "Dave Heartsdale")>
         <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "Aaron Smith")>
      <p>This array has #ArrayLen(MyArray)# elements.
• This array has 1 elements
• This array has 5 elements
• Test Value, Akash, Peterson, Dave Heartsdale, Aaron Smith
• This array has Test Value, Akash, Peterson, Dave Heartsdale, Aaron Smith
46. The emp_data table has following values for its department field:

marketing, production, production, sales, NULL, NULL, Marketing, Null

What will the following query return:

<cfquery name="GetDeptData" datasource="myDSN">
select distinct(department) as department_name from emp_data
• marketing, production, sales
• marketing, production, sales, NULL
• marketing, production, sales, NULL, NULL
• marketing, production, sales, NULL, Marketing
• marketing, production, sales, NULL, NULL, Marketing
• Impossible to say, because it depends upon the underlying database
47. Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table given below:

ALLEN            10                3000
MILLER           20                1500
King             20                2200  
Davis            30                5000

Which of the following queries will execute without error?
• <cfquery name="GetEmpInfo" datasource="myDSN"> SELECT * FROM employees where salary > (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id) </cfquery>
• <cfquery name="GetEmpInfo" datasource="myDSN"> SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id) </cfquery>
• <cfquery name="GetEmpInfo" datasource="myDSN"> SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees Where salary IN (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id) </cfquery>
• <cfquery name="GetEmpInfo" datasource="myDSN"> SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary > ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY AVG(SALARY)) </cfquery>
48. A coldfusion list is defined as follows:

<cfset list1="24,25,26,27,">
<cfset list2="24,,25,26,27">
<cfset list3="24,,,,25,26,27,">
<cfset list4="24,25,,26,,27,,">

What will you get on printing "listlen" for all the above lists?
• 4, 5, 7, 7
• 4, 4, 7, 7
• 4, 4, 4, 4
• 4, 5, 6, 6
49. You have written a cfquery ("HireSalaries") to retrieve two derived columns "Year" and "AverageHike." Which of the following is the right way to plot an area type line graph with this cfquery?
• <cfchartseries chartWidth=380 show3D="yes"> <cfchart type="area" query="HireSalaries" valueColumn="AverageHike" itemColumn="Year"/></cfchartseries>
• <cfchart chartWidth=380 show3D="yes"> <cfchartseries type="area" query="HireSalaries" value="AverageHike" item="Year"/></cfchart>
• <cfchart chartWidth=380 show3D="yes"> <cfchartseries type="area" query="HireSalaries" valueColumn="AverageHike" itemColumn="Year"/></cfchart>
50. Which of the following statements with respect to the below code is correct?

<cfset RandomItem = RandRange(1, greatoffers.recordcount)>
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="greatoffers" MAXROWS=1 STARTROW=#RandomItem#>
<B>#ProductTitle#</B> - #DollarFormat(greatoffers.Special_Price)#<BR>
• This code will display the first record from the complete greatoffers table
• This code will display a random record from the complete greatoffers table leaving out the first record
• This code will display a random record from the complete greatoffers table
• This code will display the last record from the complete greatoffers table
• This code will display a random record from the complete greatoffers table leaving out the last record
51. Which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to Coldfusion Tags?
• Cold fusion has vast library of in built tags
• CFX tags are written using java or C++
• They must have a closing tag
• The tags without body can be closed using '/>' on the same line
52. Which of the following is not an in-built complex data type in Coldfusion?
• query
• array
• hashtable
• structure
53. Which of the following tags is not useful in handling exceptions?
• cftry
• cfcatch
• cfrethrow
• cfabort
• cferror
54. which ColdFusion tag is used to define the application scope like, enabling sessions, setting timeouts and specifying client variable storage?
• cfsession
• cfcookie
• cfapplication
• cfindex
55. Which of the statements with respect to the following code is correct?

<cffunction name="daysmonths" returntype="date">
<cfreturn dateadd("d",1,Now())>
• daysmonths() is a user defined function
• date() is a user defined function
• The output will display tomorrows date
• The output will display today's date
• The cffunction tags are optional in this code
56. Which function has been used to generated the following output?

• URLEncode
• HtmlEditFormat
• UrlDecode
• URLEncodedFormat
57. What is the output of the following code:
<cfset yourDate = CreateDate(2002, 11, 23)>
This is day #Day(YourDate)# in the month of
    #MonthAsString(Month(yourDate))#, which has
    #DaysInMonth(yourDate)# days.
• This is day 30 in the month of November, which has 30 days
• This is day 23 in the month of November, which has 30 days
• This is day 30 in the month of March, which has 30 days
• 23rd of November, which has 30 days
58. Which operator will be evaluated first in the following statement:

<cfquery name="GetEmpData" datasource="myDSN">
select (age + 3 * 4 / 2 - 8) from emp
• +
• -
• /
• *
59. An admin(role-type) function(ChkBalance) has to be created for printing the account balance of all the users. Which of the following ways helps one do this?
• <cffunction name="ChkBalance" returnType="numeric" roles="admin" access="remote" output="yes">
• <function name="ChkBalance" return="numeric" roles="admin" access="local" output="no">
• <cffunction name="ChkBalance" return="String" role="admin" accessMode="remote" return=yes">
• <cffunction id="ChkBalance" returnType="numeric" role="admin" accessMode="local" return="no">
60. When would you prefer to use the <cfstoredproc> tag in place of the <cfquery> tag?
• When you want to execute a stored procedure instead of an in-line query
• When you want to execute a stored procedure that returns multiple recordsets
• When you want to execute a stored procedure that accepts parameters
• Never, because <cfstoredproc> doesn't offer any advantages over <cfquery>
61. Which of the following is an incorrect floop syntax:
• <cfloop index . . .
• <cfloop counter . . .
• <cfloop condition. . .
• <cfloop query . . . <cfloop list . . .
62. What will the following code do when included in a ColdFusion application?
<cfloop collection="#session#" item="j">
<cfoutput>#j# has value of : #session[j]#<br></cfoutput>
• It will list out all the application variables
• It will list out all the cookies
• It will list out all the session variables
• It will list out the Html header
63. What is the output of the following code:
<cfoutput>#REReplace("I love jelly","jell(y|ies)","cookies")#</cfoutput>
• I love jelly
• I love jellies
• I Love jelly, cookies
• I love cookies
64. Which of the following techniques allow the Coldfusion code to be used at many places with in an application?
• cfinclude tag
• User Defined functions
• CFML tags and CFX
• Both a and c
• a, b, and c
65. What is the output of the following code:
<cfset stringToSearch = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.">
• 3 6 0
• 360
• 3 6
• 3 6 0 0
66. What will the xInfo variable contain:

<cfset xInfo = objXML.xmlRoot.xmlChildren[6]["info"].xmltext>
• It returns the text of the 6th tag named info
• It returns the text of the 5th tag named info
• It returns the attribute of the 5th tag named info
• It returns the text of the 5th element named info surrounded by the <info></info> tags
• None of the above
67. Which of the following is not passed as reference to the object?
• structure
• array
• cfobject
• query
68. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to Function?
• Positional arguments must be used in Function
• Named arguments must be used in Function
• Either named or positional arguments can be used in Function
• Both named and positional arguments can be used in Function
69. Which of the following has the highest operator precedence?
• *
• +
70. Which of the following ColdFusion tags aborts the processing of the current ColdFusion page?
• cfabort
• cfabandon
• cfkill
• cfswitch
71. What is the output of the following code:

• 8,OCT,2001
• 10,08,2001
• Aug,10,2001
• 10,Aug,2001
72. The following structure stores the address of one of the employees:

<cfset AddrStr= StructNew()>
<cfset AddrStr.Address1="23/16">
<cfset AddrStr.Address2="Lismore Street">
<cfset AddrStr.City="Manly">
<cfset AddrStr.Pincode="2065">

And the other Structure stores  "AddStr" as its one of the keys:

<cfset EmpStr = StructNew()>
<cfset EmpStr.Key=AddrStr>

What would you put inside <cfoutput></cfoutput> tags to print the value of "City" on the page?
• #EmpStr.key.City#
• #EmpStr["key"].City#
• #EmpStr.key["City"]#
• #EmpStr["key"]["City"]#
• Any of the above
• Both a and c
• EmpStr.key.City
73. How will you test whether a cookie has already been set on the clients browser?
• <CFIF IsDefined(COOKIE("VistorId"))>
• <CFIF IsDefined("CFCOOKIE.VistorId")>
• <CFIF IsDefined("COOKIE.VistorId")>
• None of the above
74. What happens when the following code is included in a cfm file:

<cflog file="myAppLog" text="User Kim logged on.">
• "User Kim logged on" will be displayed in the browser
• A new log file by the name of Kim will be created
• "User Kim logged on" will replace the last record in the ColdFusion log file
• "User Kim logged on" will be appended to the ColdFusion log file
75. Examine the code given below:

<cfquery name="GetEmpData" datasource="myDSN">
SELECT employee_id FROM employees WHERE commission_pct=.5 OR salary > 23000

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to this code?
• It returns employees whose salary is 50% more than $23,000
• It returns employees who have 50% commission rate or salary greater than $23,000
• It returns employees whose salary is 50% less than $23,000
• None of the above
76. What will be the output of the given expression:

evaluate("23" & 2 + 5)
• 51
• 30
• 237
• 230
77. Which of the given options is correct for the following code?

<cfupdate datasource="MIS" tablename="user">
• cfupdate is a tag and datasource is a tag value
• cfupdate is an attribute and user is attribute value
• tablename is a tag and user is the tag value
• datasource is the attribute name and MIS is the attribute value
78. You have defined a field (EmailAd) on your user registration form to get the user email. Which of the following helps you validate the data before passing it to the database?
• IsValid("email", Form.EmailAd)
• IsEmail(Form.EmailAd)
• IsEmail(#Form.EmailAd#)
• IsValidType("email", Form.EmailAd)
79. You wrote the following code to set the prices of the items in an array:

<cfset numArray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset ArraySet(numArray, 1, 8 ,25)>
<cfset numArray[3] = "225">
<cfset PriceFound = False>
<cfset ElementNo = 0>

Storing the special price 225, you wrote the following code to find the array number:

<cfloop condition = "(NOT PriceFound) AND (ElementNo LT ArrayLen(numArray))">
  <cfset ElementNo = ElementNo + 1>
      <cfif numArray[ElementNo] IS "225">
           <cfoutput> PriceFound at ElementNo #ElementNo#<br></cfoutput>
            <cfset PriceFound = true>
         <cfoutput> Searching element . . . #ElementNo#<br></cfoutput>

What will be the output?
• Three lines for 'Searching element . . . ' and one line indicating the 'PriceFound at ElementNo 3'
• Two lines for 'Searching element . . . ' and one line indicating the 'PriceFound at ElementNo 2'
• Eight lines for 'Searching element . . . ' and one line indicating the 'PriceFound at ElementNo 3'
• A syntax error
80. Query of Queries cannot be performed on cfassociate.
• True
• False
81. Which of the following constitute the four categories of the Coldfusion data types?
• application, binary, variant, and local
• simple, complex, aggregate, and binary
• primary, secondary, complex, and object
• simple, complex, binary, and object
82. You have to pass a string named "StrName" and an array named "ArrItems" to a custom tag. Which of the following ways serves the purpose?
• <cf_CustTag StrName,ArrItems>
• <cf_CustTag stringval=StrName arrayval=ArrItems>
• <cf_CustTag stringval=#StrName# arrayval=#ArrItems#>
• <cf_CustTag #StrName# #ArrItems#>
83. Which encryption algorithms are supported by the encrypt/decrypt functions?
• MD5
• Blowfish
84. Which of the following functions are specially used with regular expressions?
• REFind
• REFindNoCase
• REReplace
• REReplaceNoCase
• All of the above
85. Which encryption algorithms does the hash function support?
• MD5
• SHA-256
• SHA-384
• SHA-512
• Blowfish
86. What does the cfproperty tag do?
• Defines properties of a ColdFusion file
• Defines properties of a ColdFusion user defined function
• Sets properties for the ColdFusion application
• Defines properties of a ColdFusion component
87. What is the default value for the encoding parameter of the hash function?
• UTF-8
• It is specified by the defaultCharset entry in the neo-runtime.xml file
• It varies depending upon the locale settings of your computer
• UCS-2
• UTF-16
88. Which of the following does not constitute flow control tag in Coldfusion?
• cfabort
• cfset
• cfdefaultcase
• cfloop
89. You have retrieved the list of all the customers and the products bought for the day, using a cfquery. The structure "CNameStr" stores the value of a customer's first, middle, and the last name in the keys "First", "Middle", and "Last." While printing the report, you want to create the following label, only if the middle name exists:

<cfoutput>Middle Name: #CNameStr.Middle#</cfoutput><br>
Which of the following code blocks serves this purpose with <cfif></cfif> tags?
• <cfif StructKeyExists(CNameStr,Middle)>
• <cfif StructKeyExists(CNameStr,"Middle")>
• <cfif StructKeyExists("CNameStr","Middle")>
• <cfif KeyExists("CNameStr",Middle)>
• <cfif KeyExists(CNameStr,Middle)>
90. Which of the following is useful in Dynamic Evaluation?
• DEval
• Dynamic
• Evaluate
• Eval
91. With respect to the following code, which option is correct?

• It will get the current GMT time
• It will get the current time of the users computer
• It converts the current time into a string and stores it in a variable
• It will get the current web server time
92. What is the output of the following code:

  <cfset a = 100>
  <cfset b = 99>
  <cfset c = b-a>
  <cfoutput>Inside cfsilent block<br>
  b-a = #c#</cfoutput><br>

    b-a = #c#
• -1=-1
• b-a=c
• b-a = -1
• Nothing will be displayed
93. How do you decrypt text that has been encrypted using the hash function?
• By using the unhash function
• By hashing the encrypted text again
• It cannot be done
• By using the decrypt function
94. What is the output of the following code:
<cfset strabc=setVariable("abc","abc123")>
<cfset strxyz=setVariable("xyz","xyz321")>
   strabc = #strabc# , strxyz = #strxyz#
• strabc = abc , strxyz = xyz
• strabc = 123 , strxyz = 321
• strabc = abc123 , strxyz = xyz321
• strabc = abc 123 , strxyz = xyz 321
• strabc = abc,123 , strxyz = xyz,321
• None of the above
95. Which ColdFusion tag is used to stop the processing on the current page and opens a new ColdFusion or html file?
• cfredirection
• cfrelocate
• cflocation
• cfnewpage
96. What does the Randomize function return?
• A pseudo-random integer number, in the range 0-5
• A pseudo-random number, in the range 0-10
• A pseudo-random decimal number, in the range 0-100
• A pseudo-random decimal number, in the range 0-1
97. Which of the following statement(s) are correct?
• <cfdirectory directory="//" name="dirQuery" action="LIST">
• <cfdirectory directory="c:\inetpub\wwwroot" name="dirQuery" action="LIST">
• <cfdirectory directory="" name="dirQuery" action="LIST">
• Both a and b
• Both b and c
98. Which of the following statements about User defined functions (UDFs) are correct.
• <cfscript> code can call functions but not tags
• User defined functions written in <cfscript> can call CFML tags
• <cffunction> is one of the tags in ColdFusion MX used for creating UDFs
• <cfreturn> is one of the tags in ColdFusion MX used for creating UDFs
99. What will XResult contain:

<cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "//info")>
• An array containing the info nodes that fall directly beneath the root node
• An array containing the info nodes that fall anywhere beneath the root node
• All info nodes will be returned along with their child and sub-child nodes
• This XPath expression is erroneous
• An array containing the attributes of all the info nodes that fall anywhere beneath the root node
100. Which of the following functions is not available with Coldfusion arrays?
• ArrayLen
• ArraySort
• ArrayDelete
• ArrayAppend
101. Which of the following constitutes CFML?
• Functions and expressions
• Variables and constants
• Flow control structures
• All of the above
• both a and b
102. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to user defined functions?
• Function overloading is allowed in user defined functions
• Function definitions can be nested in user defined functions
• Function name must be different from the inbuilt function name, however it can be same as some variable
• A user defined function can be recursive
103. There are 5 info nodes in an XML document. How will you obtain the value of the 3rd info node?
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info[2]")>
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info[3]")>
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info[4]")>
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info(1)")>
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info[first()+2]")>
• <cfset XResult = xmlSearch(XMLObject, "/info[last()-2]")>
104. Which of the following attributes of the cfquery tag was introduced in ColdFusion MX 7?
• username
• debug
• result
• timeout
105. You created a Coldfusion form to get the guest information from your website. The name of the input elements is same as that in the database. The name of the data source is "GuestDSN" and the table name is "TbGuest." Which of the following codes helps you insert data in the table?
• <cfinsert DSN="GuestDSN" table="TbGuest">
• <cfinsert datasource="GuestDSN" tablename="TbGuest">
• <insert datasource="GuestDSN" tablename="TbGuest">
• <insert DSN="GuestDSN" table="TbGuest">
106. Which of the following statements regarding placing meta tags at the location *********** in the following code are correct?

<cfset browsers="MSIE,Mozilla">
<cfif FindNoCase(browsers,#CGI.HTTP_USER_AGENT#)>
• The meta tags will be hidden from all browser users
• The meta tags will be hidden from Opera users
• The meta tags will be hidden from unknown spiders
• The meta tags will be hidden from MSIE and Mozilla users
• None of the above
107. Which of the following verity query types is not valid?
• Natural
• Search
• Internet
• Simple
• Explicit
108. What is the output of the following code:

<cffunction name="thefunc" returntype="numeric">
<cfargument name="x" required="yes" type="numeric" default=2>
<cfreturn x*x>
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
109. Which of the following tags was introduced in the ColdFusion MX series?
• cfcalendar
• cfapplet
• cfbreak
• cfdirectory
110. What is correct syntax for accessing an item of a structure?
• StructFind(item, struct)
• StructFind(struct, item)
• FindStruct(struct, item)
• FindStruct(item, struct)

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