Wednesday 3 February 2016

Test answers for Action Script 3.0 Test

77 Answered Test Questions:

1. Which of the following methods of the XML object class can be used to add a new node to an XML object?
• addNode()
• appendNode()
• addChild()
• appendChild()
• prependChild()
2. When a variable is of the type protected, it is accessible in:
• all child classes irrespective of the package
• only child classes in the same package
• only child classes outside the current package
• not accessible in any of the child classes.
3. What does the addItem() method of the ArrayCollection class do?
• It adds an item at the beginning of the collection.
• It adds an item at the end of the collection.
• It removes an item from the beginning of the collection.
• It removes an item from the end of the collection.
4. Given the code snippet below, what will be the value of myFlag after the 2nd assignment:
var myFlag : Boolean=false;
myFlag=Boolean (new Date ( ) );
• True
• False
• Run time error
• Type Coercion error at compile time
5. Which of the following statements is correct?
• The '.' and '@' operator can be used only to read data.
• The '.' operator can be used to read data and write data but the '@' operator can be used only to read data.
• The '.' and '@' operator can be used both to read and write data.
• The '@' operator can be used to read data and write data but the '.' operator can be used only to read data.
6. Which of the following is not a valid Action script data type?
• int
• uint
• long
• String
7. The only difference between a timer and a loop is that timers are machine speed independent while loops are not.
• True
• False
8. Look at the following function declarations and then choose the correct option.

i. public function myFunction():*;
ii. public function myFunction():void;
iii. public function myFunction():String;
• only i & ii are valid
• only ii & iii are valid
• only i & iii are valid
• i, ii & iii are all valid
9. What will be the output of the following code snippet?
    var myArray1 : Array = new Array ("One", "Two", "Three");
    for(var i : int=0; i<3; i++)
        delete myArray1[i];
• Undefined
• 0
• 3
• Runtime error: Null pointer reference
10. Given the following instantiation of a date type variable, choose the statement which is true.

var myDate : Date = new Date()
• The value of myDate is the current time stamp.
• The value of myDate is an instance of the date class with all values set to either 0 or blank.
• The value of myDate is null.
• None of the above
11. Which of the following statement is not correct?
• While accessing child nodes of an XMLList, the array access operator '[]' can be used and the starting Index is 0.
• While accessing child nodes of an XMLList, the array access operator '[]' can be used but the starting Index in this case is 1.
• While fetching children of an XMLList, the children() method of the XML class can be used interchangeably with the '*' operator.
• All of the above statements are correct.
12. Which of the following Errors does not occur at runtime?
• Compile time error
• Runtime-error
• Synchronous error
• Asynchronous error
13. The useWeakReference parameter in the addEventListener method is used to:
• make the listener eligible for garbage collection
• make the Component for which the event is registered eligible for garbage collection.
• make the parent of the Component for which the event is registered eligible for garbage collection.
• All of the above
14. Given the following statements about the try/catch/finally block, choose the correct option.
• Try is optional but catch and finally are required.
• Catch is optional but try and finally are required.
• Finally is optional but try and catch are required.
• All three blocks are required.
15. Based on the above mentioned declaration of myXML, how can we access the id attribute of the 'employee' tag?
• myXML.managers.employee[1].@id
• myXML.employeeList.managers.employee[1].@id
• myXML.managers.employee[1].id
• myXML.employeeList.managers.employee[1].id
16. What will be the output of the following code snippet?

    var myArray1 : Array = new Array("One", "Two", "Three");
    var myArray2 : Array = myArray1;
    myArray2[1] = "Four";
• One,Two,Three
• Four,Two,Three
• One,Four,Three
• Two,Three,Four
17. Which of the following methods of the String class does not accept a regular expression as its parameter?
• search()
• substring()
• replace()
• match()
18. Given the following code snippet:

public function helloWorld(value:int) : String {
  case 1:
    return "One";
  case 2:
    return "Two";
  case 3:
    return "Three";
    return "No Match";

What will be returned if we pass call the above function as helloWorld(2):
• One
• Two
• Three
• No match
19. A constant (const) variable can be initiated only once.
• True
• False
20. Which of the following classes is not used to interact with the client system environment?
• Application Class
• ApplicationDomain Class
• System Class
• Capabilities Class
21. The minimum version of flash player required to run Action script 3.0 is:
• 6.0
• 8.0
• 9.0
• 10.0
22. Which of the following syntax would be used to call a method name helloWorld(), (defined in the html Wrapper) from actionscript?
• ("helloWorld");
• ("helloWorld");
• ("helloWorld");
• helloWorld ();
23. Which of the following property of the String class returns the no. of characters in a string?
• size
• numChar
• length
• None of the above
24. Given the declaration 'a timer', which of the following statements is correct?

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer (500,5);
• When the timer is started, the TimerEvent.TIMER event is dispatched 5 times with a difference of 0.5 seconds between 2 successive events.
• When the timer is started, the TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE event is dispatched 5 times with a difference of 500 seconds between 2 successive events.
25. Which of the following conditions must be true to facilitate the usage of seek() function of an Array Collection's Cursor?
• The Array Collection must contain only similar data types.
• The Array Collection must be sorted.
• The Array Collection should have more than 278 objects.
• None of the above
26. Which of the following statements is true?
• An array is a collection of objects of the same data type.
• An array is a collection of objects irrespective of the data types.
• The size of an array must be declared when the array is first declared.
• The starting index of an array is 1.
27. The following regular expression : var pattern : RegExp = /\d+/; will match:
• one or more words
• zero or more words
• one or more digits
• zero or more digits
28. What does XML stand for?
• Exclusive Markup Language
• Extensible Markup Language
• Exclusive Model Language
• Extensible Model Language
29. A String is:
• a series of zero or more characters.
• a series of one or more characters.
• a single character.
• a set of no more than 5 characters.
30. What would happen when the following piece of code is compiled and run?
var p : * = new ArrayCollection()      //Line1
p.addItem("vishal");                     //Line2
p.addItem(24);                        //Line3
p= new Date();                        //Line4
var mydate : Date = p;                  //Line5
• Compilation error at line1
• Compilation error at line4
• Compilation error at line5
• No error. The code will compile and run without errors.
31. Given the following code snippet:
public class Student {
    public function Student () {
        trace("Student variable created");
    public function hello () : String {
        return "Hello World";
public function helloWorld () : String {
    var student1 : Student;
    return student1.hello ();

What will the function helloWorld() return?
• Hello World
• Blank string
• Program execution ends with a Runtime error
• Compilation error
32. Which of the following types of variables can be accessed without creating an instance of a class?
• Constant
• Final
• Static
• Global
33. Which of these is not a valid access modifier?
• Private
• Protected
• Internal
• All of the above are valid.
34. When ActionScript can immediately judge an operation to be in violation of a security rule, the __________ exception is thrown, and if, after waiting for some asynchronous task to complete, ActionScript deems an operation in violation of a security rule, the __________ event is dispatched.
• Security, SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR
• SecurityError, SecurityErrorEvent.ERROR
• SecurityError, SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR
• Security, SecurityErrorEvent.ERROR
35. Which of the following is not a phase in the event propagation lifecycle?
• Targeting
• Bubbling
• Cancelling
• Capturing
36. What will be the output of the following code snippet?

try {
    try {
        trace("<< try >>");
        throw new ArgumentError ("throw this error");
    } catch(error : ArgumentError) {
        trace("<< catch >> " + error);
        trace("<< throw >>");
        throw error;
    } catch(error:Error) {
        trace ("<< Error >> " + error);
} catch (error:ArgumentError) {
    trace ("<< catch >> " + error);
• << try >> << catch >> ArgumentError: throw this error << throw >> << Error >> ArgumentError: throw this error << catch >> ArgumentError: throw this error
• << try >> << catch >> ArgumentError: throw this error << throw >>
• << try >> << catch >> ArgumentError: throw this error << throw >> << catch >> ArgumentError: throw this error
• Compilation error: Nesting or try catch block not permitted
37. E4X in Action script is used to:
• manipulate complex numeric data.
• manipulate String data.
• manipulate string and numeric data.
• manipulate XML data.
38. What will be the output of the following trace statement?

trace ("output: " + 10 > 20);
• output: true
• output: false
• true
• false
39. What will be the output of the following trace statement?

• An XMLList that includes every attribute defined on the employee tag, its parent and all descendants
• An XMLList that includes every attribute defined on the employee's parent tag and all descendant tags
• An XMLList that includes every attribute defined on the employee tag's descendants but not on the employee tag
• An XMLList that includes every attribute defined on the employee tag and all its descendants
40. The default values of String and int type variables are:
• null and 0 respectively.
• "" and NaN respectively.
• null and Nan respectively.
• "" and 0 respectively.
41. Which of the following statements is not correct?
• TimerEvent.TIMER is dispatched when one cycle of the timer is complete.
• When the repeat count in a timer is set as 0, the timer continues indefinitely until the stop() method is invoked.
• When a timer is instantiated, it starts automatically.
• All of the above statements are correct.
42. In the date formatter's format string, which of the following pattern letter represents minutes?
• M
• N
• S
• Y
43. While accessing the clipboard through the system manager class, we can:
• read data from the clipboard.
• write data to the clipboard.
• read data from and write data to the clipboard.
• Neither read data from nor write data to the clipboard.
44. Given two String variables str1="Hello" and str2="World", which of the following 2 ways can be used to concatenate the 2 strings and store the result in str1?
• str1= str1+str2;
• str2.concat(str1,str2);
• str1.concat(str1,str2);
• str1.concat(str2);
• str2.concat(str1);
45. Which of the following loop structures are used to access dynamic instance variables of an object?
• while
• do-while
• for
• for-each-in
46. Which of the following properties of the Date class does not accepts 0 as a value?
• hours
• date
• day
• month
47. Which class is the parent class of all custom event classes?
• Event
• MouseEvent
• ResultEvent
• EventDispatcher
48. Suppose we have two swf's named Parent.swf and Child.swf (in the same domain), where the Child.swf is loaded inside the Parent.swf as a module, can an Event listener be registered in the Parent.swf to detect mouse click events inside the Child.swf?
• Yes, for any event
• Yes, but only for MouseEvent.CLICK
• No, events that occur in the Child.swf do not propagate outside that swf
• None of the above
49. Which event is triggered when a timer completes its execution?
• TimerEvent. END
• TimerEvent. COMPLETE
50. Read the following statements and then choose the correct option.
i. A class can extend another class
ii. A class can Implement an Interface
iii. An interface can extend a class
iv. An interface can extend another interface
• Only i and ii are true
• Only i, ii and iii are true
• Only i, ii and iv are true
• All the four are true
51. Which of the following statements about the System class is true?
• It is used to access the user's operating system.
• It can be used to set the content of the user's clipboard.
• It can be used to retrieve current memory usage for flash player.
• All of the above
52. The Error class serves as the base class for all run-time errors thrown by Flash.
• True
• False
53. Which of the following keywords is used to bring control out of a loop?
• break
• continue
• end
• terminate
54. Given the following string variable declaration, where 3 is an int

var myString : String = "These are " + 3 + " lines"

The value stored in myString is:
• These are 3 lines
• These are lines
• These are three lines
• Compilation Error: could not convert int to String
55. The addEventListener() method of the EventDispatcher class is used to:
• create a new Event
• delete an event
• add/register a new listener for an event
• deregister an event listener
56. The trim() method of StringUtil Class is used:
• only to remove all white spaces from the beginning of the string.
• only to remove all white spaces from the end of the string.
• to remove all white spaces from the beginning and the end of the string.
• to remove all whitespaces in the string including those inside the string.
57. Which of the following is not a security-sandbox type?
• Local-trusted
• Local-with-networking
• Remote
• Remote-with-networking
58. If no Access modifier is specified for a property in a class, then by default, the property is:
• Public
• Private
• Protected
• Internal
59. What is the length of the given array?

var myArray1 : Array = new Array ("One", "Two", "Three");
• 0
• 1
• 2
• 3
60. Suppose we have an arrayCollection whose cursor (myCursor) has been created using the arraycollection's getCursor() method. At runtime, when myCursor.afterLast returns true, what is the value of myCursor.current?
• Null
• A reference to the last item in the array collection
• A reference to the first item in the array collection
• A reference to any random item in the array collection
61. Given a number, num = 23, which of the following methods will be used to convert it to a String:
• num.toString();
• num.toSentence();
• num.toWord();
• num.toNumber();
62. Which of the following is not a valid quantifier metacharacter used in Regular expressions?
• +
• –
• *
• ?
63. The compiled output of an Action script file is:
• '.class' file
• '.swf' file
• '.as' file
• '.mxml' file
64. Given the following code snippet, what will be the output when helloWorld() is run?

public function helloWorld() : void {
    trace("Line 1" );
    var num : Number=25;
        trace ("Value of num in try: "+num.toString());
    }catch (err : IOError) {
        trace("Value of num in catch: "+num.toString());
    trace("Value of num: "+num.toString());
• Line1 Value of num in try: 25 Value of num in catch: 25 Value of num: 0
• Line1 Value of num in catch: 25 Value of num: 0
• Line1 Value of num in try: 25 Value of num in catch: 25
• Line 1 Value of num in try: Infinity Value of num: 0
65. Which of the following are primitive datatypes in Action script 3.0:
• Array
• Date
• String
• Null
66. Given the following code snippet, what will be the output when helloWorld( ) is run?

public function helloWorld() : void {
    trace("Code Start" );
        throw new Error ("Test_Error");
    } catch(err : Error) {
    trace("Code End");
• Code Start try catch finally Code End
• Code Start catch finally
• Code Start try catch finally
• Code Start catch
67. Which of the following is a valid variable name?
• _123
• 123
• my@Var
• my-Var
68. What will be the output of the following code snippet?

        var num1 : String="Hello";
        var num2:String="Hello";
        if (num1===num2) {
                trace ("Equal");
        } else {
                trace ("Unequal");
• Equal
• Unequal
• ""
• Compilation error: Syntax error
69. Which property of the Event object contains information about the component which generated that event?
• target
• currentTarget
• type
• eventPhase
70. An Swf in a local security sandbox:
• can access all resources in the local security sandbox.
• can access some but not all resources in the local security sandbox.
• can access no resources in the local security sandbox.
• can access resources in the local as well as the remote security sandbox.
71. Which kind of an error is thrown when parsing error occurs in the action script?
• Type error
• Syntax error
• Argument error
• Verify error
72. What will the output of the following trace statement?

• All employee blocks are printed on the console.
• The first employee block is printed on the console.
• The complete structure of myXML is printed in the console.
• Only the lastName tag with value "Zmed" is printed.
73. Given that two event listeners are registered for a component CompA as:

CompA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, func1);
CompA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, func2);

What will happen when a click event is fired on CompA?
• func1 is called but func2 is not called.
• func2 is called but func1 is not called.
• Either func1 or func2 are randomly chosen and called.
• Both func1 and func2 are called.
74. The source of an ArrayCollection is of the type:
• ArrayCollection
• int
• String
• Array
75. When in application, in what order do the following events take place (starting from the first)?
• Creation complete, pre-Initialize, Initialize, Application complete
• pre-Initialize, Creation complete, Initialize, Application complete
• pre-Initialize, Initialize, Application complete, Creation complete
• pre-Initialize, Initialize, Creation complete, Application complete
76. Which of the following is not a correct way of adding an item to an Array myArr?
• myArr.push(item);
• myArr.addItem(item);
• myArr[0] = item;
• All of the above
77. Which nature of ActionScript is depicted by the use of Events?
• Synchronous
• Asynchronous
• Procedure oriented
• Object oriented

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