Wednesday 13 January 2016

Test answers for Options Trading Test 2015-16

82 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:

(hold on, will be updated soon)
1. What is the most classic type of options trading?
• Using sophisticated techniques such as Iron Condor
• Short selling stocks
• Buying call options and selling after an increase in value
• Selling naked call options
2. Which of the following is the optimal situation?
• Selling uncovered calls and having the stock price rise
• Limiting downsize risk while having the most upside potential possible
• Short selling stocks and having the price of the stock rise
• Trading options with late expiration dates
3. What is the purpose of using screening factors?
• They help focus in on a specific industry.
• They guarantee against any losses.
• They help investors decide when to exit an investment.
• They are preset criteria that any investment must meet before an investor will consider it a viable investment.
4. When would someone most likely place a stop loss order?
• When they own options which are out of the money and close to expiration
• When they are short selling stocks
• When they have sold substantial amounts of put options
• When they own deep in the money call options
5. What is a covered call?
• Selling put options
• Short selling stocks
• Selling a call option when the underlying stock is not owned
• Selling a call stock option when the underlying stock is owned
6. What is an options contract?
• Another term for stock
• A contract to buy or sell a stock at a predetermined price
• Insurance
• A contract with your broker to buy and sell stocks
7. What should a trader do if one portfolio is outperforming the others?
• Sell off all stock in the worst portfolio.
• Switch the portfolios around so they all have the same return.
• Depends on the goals of each portfolio; they could still all be meeting expectations.
• Do extensive analysis on the stocks.
8. How does selling options help someone with their portfolio?
• It creates additional risk.
• They can profit from the sale of options without having to cover them.
• It guarantees small profits.
• It forces the market price of the underlying stock up.
9. Why would someone buy call options at the same strike price but stagger the expiration date?
• Because they believe there will be an upward movement in the price but are uncertain of the timing
• Because they believe there will be an upward price movement but not for six months
• Because they believe there will be a downward price movement but are uncertain of the timing
• Because they believe there will be a downward price movement six months from now
10. What is a "straddle"?
• Selling the underlying stock of an option
• Holding both a call and a put at the same strike price
• Watching the market to see what it will do
• Holding both a call and a put at different strike prices
11. Why are younger people more apt to take on riskier investments?
• Because they have a longer time horizon to allow for the risky investments to increase over time, and are immune to the short term changes
• Because they do not know the value of money in the long run
• Because they have less knowledge and do not know the potential for loss
• Because there are short term gains to be made
12. Why is it important for an investor to know their risk tolerance level before trading options and investing in general?
• Because it is required by law
• Because it helps in tax planning
• Because it helps them decide which industry to invest in
• Because they can match their risk tolerance level with the types of stocks they are purchasing
13. What is the ideal number of portfolios for an experienced trader?
• 1
• 5
• 20
• 100
14. What would an investor who is bullish most likely do?
• Sell call options
• Buy call options
• Do nothing
• Buy both calls and puts to neutralize their position
15. What is a "margin account"?
• Borrowing money from friends to trade stocks with
• A stock trading account which allows the holder to borrow money from the broker
• An account used only for trading options
• An account which can be used only for trading large cap stocks
16. Which type of analysis relies on charting?
• Fundamental
• Technical
• Both Fundamental and Technical
• Neither Fundamental nor Technical
17. How often would an active options trader perform technical analysis?
• Once per month
• It is an ongoing process performed during the hours after each day's activity.
• Never. It does not apply to options.
• Possibly weekly
18. How would an options trader use the Black Scholes pricing model as a trading strategy?
• To look for options priced correctly
• To look for options which are priced in the market at less than the Black Scholes price
• To look for options which are not yet written on securities
• To look for opportunities to sell your options at less than you bought them for
19. What is meant by a covered call?
• Buying a stock, and selling a call at the same time
• Buying a stock, and selling a put at the same time
• Selling stock options on securities which are not owned
• Buying stock options on securities which are not owned
20. What is meant by using the straddle stock trading strategy?
• When an investor sells a call option and purchases a put option
• When an investor purchases two call options at different prices
• When an investor owns both call and put stock options at the same stock price
• When an investor purchases two put options at different prices
21. What is the primary method to mitigate risk?
• Diversifying investment holdings
• Day trading
• Purchasing only tech stocks
• Purchasing stock in the company you work for
22. What would be the risk tolerance level of a retired government worker in general?
• High
• Moderate
• Varies indefinitely
• Low
23. When is the straddle trading strategy appropriate?
• When the price may move by a small amount
• When an investor believes there will be a large decrease in the stock price
• When an investor believes there will be a large increase in the stock price
• When an investor believes there will be a large stock price movement, but does not know in which direction
24. What is a "call"?
• An options contract which gives the holder the right to buy a stock at a predetermined price
• A stock which is long
• An options contract which gives the holder the right to sell a stock at a predetermined price
• Placing an order to buy options
25. Would a person who actively buys and sells options contracts be considered an investor?
• No, they are a commission broker.
• No, they are a trader looking for short term gains.
• Yes, they are investing their money.
• Yes, they are an options investor.
26. What is meant by a "butterfly" trading strategy?
• Selling two options either put or call
• Complex trading strategy involving buying two calls and selling two calls
• Buying two put options at different strike prices
• Selling only call options on stock you own
27. What is "strike price"?
• The price of the option
• The price at which the trader hopes to sell the option
• The current trading price of the option
• The price on an options contract at which the underlying stock can be bought or sold
28. What does an options trader look for when charting?
• Options that trade in a very narrow band
• Options which have completely unpredictable pricing
• Options which have broken the trend
• Options with near term expiration dates
29. Which of the following is the least risky investment in options?
• Selling options which expire in the following month
• Selling options which expire one year from now
• Selling call options with an expiration of two months from now without owning the underlying stock
• Selling call options with an expiration of one month from now without owning the underlying stock
30. Why would a trader liquidate a portfolio?
• Because it is illegal to hold it too long
• To avoid being labeled as a day trader
• Because he has made too much money already
• Because he is no longer interested in the classification of stocks
31. Why might an options trader have portfolios based on expiration?
• Because it makes it easier to manage
• Because the only way to classify options is by expiration
• Because options expiring in the near term need to be monitored more actively
• Because it reduces the tax obligation
32. What is meant by a "bear market"?
• When expectations are that the market will fall
• When there is a temporary increase in stock prices
• When there is a temporary decrease in stock prices
• When expectations are that the market will rise
33. What is a sideways chart?
• When a stock price varies drastically
• When a stock price moves within a relatively narrow band
• When a stock is losing value quickly
• When a stock has just had news come out
34. Why would an options trader invest only in options of companies which have a history of paying dividends?
• Because it creates an income stream
• Because it lowers risk in investment
• Because it creates a return on investment
• All of the above
35. Which of the following is an advantage of having multiple portfolios instead of only one?
• It lowers the trader's tax obligations.
• It makes it easier to trade and profit.
• It takes away all risk.
• Goals can be set for each portfolio and tracked separately.
36. What happens to an investment if risk is mitigated properly?
• Nothing specific happens to any one investment; risk mitigation is an overall portfolio tool.
• The stocks you purchase are guaranteed to increase.
• It makes for a zero sum game, with no losses or profits.
• Risk is assigned to someone else.
37. What is portfolio management?
• Having a suite of investments to reach a goal while minimizing risk
• Buying shares all in one industry
• Actively trading stocks in your portfolio
• Selling off securities which are not performing
38. Which of the following is a criticism of both fundamental and technical analyses?
• Neither one can accurately predict future stock price movements.
• Both help people make money, the question is which one helps them make more money.
• The numbers needed are not readily available.
• There are other strategies which work better.
39. Why do investors often expect the beginning of the year stock prices to rise?
• Because new year means companies can restart and forget the past
• Because management is always more driven
• Because the year end sales typically bolster profits and increase demand
• Because employee cuts are made reducing expenses typically after the holidays
40. Why would an investor be unlikely to hold growth, value, small cap, and index portfolios all at once?
• Because it requires too much time to manage
• Because they are completely different investment perspectives
• Because taxes would be excessive
• Because it would be too difficult to earn a return on any one portfolio
41. Which of the following would be a way to limit one's potential losses?
• Trading risky securities with margin
• Short selling stock
• Buying out of the money call options with expirations in the near future
• Not using margin to trade with
42. Which of the following is an example of options used to mitigate risk?
• Buying a put option for a stock which is currently owned
• Buying a call option for a stock which is currently owned
• Short selling stocks
• Selling put options for a stock which is currently owned
43. Which of the following would most likely be a way to classify various portfolios?
• By the tax laws which apply
• By the number of shares outstanding
• By the time the securities were purchased
• By the time horizon of the investments contained within it
44. Which of the following would not be an example of managing risk?
• Buying both call and put options on a variety of stocks
• Applying trading strategies
• Buying only call options on one stock
• Selling calls on a security which is owned
45. How often should a trader revaluate the holdings in their portfolios?
• Daily
• Continuously, but not daily
• Yearly
• Never
46. What factors does technical analysis primarily rely on?
• Financial reports
• Management reports
• Past price and volume
• Market indicators
47. What is meant by a "bull market"?
• When expectations are that the market will fall
• When there is a temporary increase in stock prices
• When there is a temporary decrease in stock prices
• When expectations are that the market will rise
48. What is an "option spread"?
• The same as butterfly trading strategy
• Buying and selling options of two different companies
• Buying and selling stock options at different strike prices for the same security
• Selling call options on securities
49. What is a "put"?
• Selling by an options contract holder of their contract
• An options contract which gives the holder the right to sell the underlying stock at a predetermined price
• Selling by a stock holder of their stock in order to buy options
• An options contract which gives the holder the right to buy the underlying stock at a predetermined price
50. What is the legal requirement regarding portfolios?
• Investors are required by tax law to classify their investments into portfolios.
• Investors are required by the SEC to classify their investments into portfolios.
• Required by accounting laws
• There is no legal requirement to create portfolios.
51. What is a "strangle"?
• Selling only call options
• Buying or selling a put and a call with different strike prices
• Buying a call and selling a put
• Buying two call options at different strike prices
52. What skills would technical analysis use primarily?
• Scientific
• Mathematical
• Research
• English
53. Which of the following is an assumption made by a technical analyst?
• The stock price does not reflect current market information.
• No one else has recognized the stock as a good investment.
• All stocks will increase in the long run.
• The stock price already reflects all news and news events and they do not impact a stock's price.
54. What is meant "short selling"?
• Selling less stock than is currently owned
• Selling a stock without owning it, with the expectation of purchasing the stock at a later date at a cheaper price
• Buying call options on a security
• Buying put options on a security
55. What would an investor using the Black Scholes model be doing?
• Looking for arbitrage opportunities
• Looking to sell call options
• Trying to find brokerages that charge lower commission for their transactions
• Calculating the implied price of an option based on several factors
56. What is the relationship between fundamental and technical analyses?
• They are mutually exclusive, and an analyst would use one or the other, never both.
• They must both be used together.
• They can both be used to complement each other, but not together.
• They are very exclusive techniques that should both be avoided.
57. What happens when a trader uses a straddle?
• They buy two call options at different prices.
• They buy two put options at different prices.
• They buy the stock and a call option.
• They buy a call and a put option at the same strike price.
58. What is the purpose of candlestick charting?
• It tells the user exactly when to buy.
• It gives the trader something to do in their spare time.
• It is required in order to trade stock options.
• A lot of price information such as open, close, high and low can be relayed in a graph.
59. Why would an options trader want to create various portfolios?
• Because each portfolio could be taxed separately
• Because each portfolio could contain one stock
• Because each portfolio would be set up to meet specific goals
• Because they can sell all the stocks within a portfolio more easily
60. What is the primary goal of technical analysis?
• Identifying trends to predict near term price movements
• Helping build a retirement plan
• Identifying stocks with potential for large increases in the next two years
• Finding indications of interest rate direction
61. How is risk measured?
• By classifying it into one of three levels of risk
• Individually, each investor assesses their own risk tolerance level
• As a letter; a,b,c or d
• Someone else assesses your risk level
62. How does the "Iron Condor" technique limit the downside?
• The shorted options all have the same strike prices.
• It is another term for short selling stock.
• The shorted options have different strike prices, creating a stagger.
• It involves selling calls while buying calls at the same time.
63. What is candlesticking?
• Selling stock options without owning the underlying stock
• Short selling stock
• A charting technique which shows price movements over time indicating the high and the low daily
• Owning several options of the same company
64. Which of the following is the most profitable?
• Deep in the money call options
• Deep out of the money call options
• Slightly in the money call options
• Slightly out of the money call options
65. Why would someone sell call options on a security they own?
• Because they believe the price will rise
• Because they don't really own the security
• Because they are writing naked calls
• Because they believe the security price will fall, creating profit from the calls
66. Which of the following situations has the least risk?
• Short selling stock
• Selling naked put options
• Selling naked call options
• Selling covered call options
67. Why would an investor not utilize an options trading strategy?
• Because they cost money
• Because of the belief that they do not work, and it is a wasted effort
• Because not enough data is available
• Because they are only for the wealthy
68. Which of the following would help protect against downside risk?
• Only trading call options
• Only trading put options
• Always selling options instead of buying
• Placing a limit order
69. What is meant by "long" in a stock or option?
• Owning an excessive amount of shares
• Selling stock options on a security
• Intention to hold a security for a long period of time
• Selling a stock without owning it
70. What is the "expiration date"?
• The date on which the trader's license expires
• The date on which a broker's account expires
• The date on which the underlying stock no longer remains tradable
• The date on which the options contract expires and can no longer be executed or traded
71. Why is it important to manage risk when trading stock options?
• Because it is a good general policy
• Because it guarantees no losses
• Because it is required by tax law
• Because of the risky nature of stock options
72. What would an investor with a large risk tolerance level most likely do?
• Sell options of a security of which they do not own the underlying stock
• Buy both call and put options which help reduce the overall risk
• Sell call options on a security of which they own the underlying stock
• Do nothing and invest in foreign exchange
73. What does the Monte Carlo method of pricing options attempt to do?
• Give the options trader a specific guideline on what to buy
• Tell an options trader what market to trade in
• Tell the options trader if he should sell puts
• Calculate a price based on weighting potential outcomes
74. What is the offset to limiting downside?
• Unlimited profits
• Often limited profits
• No profits
• Risky tax implications
75. What does heavy volume trading indicate?
• That the expiration date is near
• That the current market price is wrong
• That insiders know something no one else does
• Typically that news has come out regarding the underlying stock
76. Which of the following would technical analysis include?
• Company financials
• Market statistics
• Stock pricing
• Currency
77. What would be the objective of a conservative trader's portfolio?
• Short selling stocks
• Long term returns over time
• Risky trading
• Short term returns
78. Which of the following would be a good example of risk mitigation?
• Purchasing only small cap stocks
• Purchasing stock options in three industries
• Purchasing stock options all in one industry
• Purchasing only options on blue chip stocks
79. What should an options investor do if a call option they own is out of the money and nearing expiration?
• Sell the option
• Buy offsetting put option
• Buy more of the option
• Depends on their tolerance level for risk and their strategy
80. What would an investor who is employing the straddle technique hope to happen?
• That the price will move in a tight range, not varying much
• That they can sell the underlying stock for more than the option makes
• That the option will expire without selling
• That the price will move drastically in one direction, up or down
81. Which of the following is a common strategy used after an options trader has had a few successful transactions?
• They start trading on margin.
• They withdraw their original capital and use only profits to trade with.
• They write naked call options.
• They short sell stocks with substantial risk.
82. How would an options investor diversify their portfolio?
• By holding both call and put options
• By holding options with varying expiration dates
• By selling and buying options
• All of the above

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