Friday 5 June 2015

Complete On Page Optimization For All.

On-Page SEO refers to all the things that you can do ON your website to help you rank higher. On site optimization accounts for around twenty five percent (25%) of your entire SEO factor. This is a simplified, Complete On Site Optimization Tutorial for anyone who is new to SEO and wants to know how to make the most out of their on-page optimization.

The guide includes the following:-

Title Tag: The title tag is one of the oldest attributes there is to a webpage’s layout. Title Tags have been existent since websites came to being. Title tags are also one of the most important attributes that you will ever get to use in your on site optimization. This is a Tutorial to Title Tags.

Description Tag(Meta):
Most search engines ignore the description tag as far as keyword relevancy is concerned. It doesn't hurt to work your keywords into the description tag, but if you include the description tag, write it to entice visitors to come to your page. Most search engines use the Description tag to some extent when displaying search results. This is your chance to differentiate your site from all the other results in a search.

Keyword Tag(Meta):
Most search engines completely ignore the keyword tag. Years ago, this tag was used by the search engines for determining relevancy, but it was abused. If you include a keyword tag, keep it short. There is not much point in listing anything other than the keyphrases you have included in the title tag.

Keyword Density:
Keywords are vital to your site’s SEO. Keywords are the cornerstone of your entire SEO campaign. Without the right keywords, your SEO structure has no foundation and will get you nowhere. Understanding keyword density is one step to leveraging your website’s on-site optimization. This is a Tutorial to Keyword Density.

Keyword Prominence, Frequency, Proximity:
Now that we’ve discussed keyword density, it’s time you know the other factors when it comes to keywords in your on-site optimization. Understanding keyword prominence, frequency and proximity can help you leverage the power and placing of your keywords in your website. This is a tutorial for Keyword Prominence, Frequency and Proximity.

Outbound Links:
You’ve got a link here and a link there. The internet is full of links. Each time you click a link, chances are, it means you’re traveling from a certain webpage to another. In SEO, understanding the outbound link is one step forward for your on-site optimization. I’ll also be talking about hidden keywords in your links below. This is a Tutorial for Outbound Links.

Image SEO:
Now that we have established outbound links, here’s one more that could help you with your on site optimization – image SEO. How do you do optimization for images? How do you use image alt text? How do you use image title? Does changing an image filename help? This is an Image Optimization Tutorial.

Now that we’ve covered how you can optimize images in your website, let’s move on to understanding Sitemaps and its effects to your on site SEO structure. This is a Tutorial to Sitemaps.

URL Structure:
Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended, as these bring better crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results, however that is not the only factor. URLs that include targeted keywords, also perform better. The location of these keywords can also be a major influence. For example would perform better than etc. As you can see for this page, the URL is I have included the keywords that are relevant for this post.

Body Tags(H1, H2-----H6.):
When writing your articles, you should break up your content into smaller sections & paragraphs to make it easier for people to read. These sections can be given heading, which is where H1,H2------ H6, etc. tags are used. Generally H1 tags are reserved for your main page title, with subsequent headings (just like the ones I have used throughout this post) being issued H2, H3, etc. Search engines use these to determine what is important within your content. This is why keyword rich headiness’are more useful than generic ones. Make sure you write keyword rich headings in the order of priority in H1, H2 and H3 title tags. They are used by many crawlers to differentiate important content.

Internal linking:
Internal linking is all about getting your WebPages interconnected with each other. The world wide web is made up of links – you navigate from webpage to webpage through links. You recommend another webpage through links. But internal linking is more than just about navigation and recommendation. This is a Tutorial for Internal Linking.

Server Response:
This is a critical part of web site building. Period. It is not an area to skimp and try and save a few pennies on. Choosing a "budget" host may save you a little, but if you happen to get a low power host, or one that goes down frequently, Google and Bing aren't going to give you the time of day. (Joomla Detroit is hosted on, a Lansing-based Hosting company that's done really well for us!).

Website Speed:
The faster your site loads is a factor with Google. If two sites were identical, but one loaded in two seconds, the other in four, you know which one would rank higher!

How Sub-domains or Subfolders Affect SEO:
“Yeah, so which is better, a sub-domain or subfolder when it comes to SEO?”This is perhaps one of the frequently asked questions by clients who have an in-house IT team. I don’t blame them. Sometimes even SEO specialists ask me this question when I bump into them. These topics will be discussed in my next posts. Again, this guide is for beginners and starting SEO specialists. On site optimization is not such an easy thing to do and apply. This tutorial is meant to help out new and up-coming SEO specialists in understanding the principles behind these factors.

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