Thursday 16 October 2014

Upwork HTML 5 Test Answers.

This time I am sharing with you  Upwork HTML5 test answer . Get update Upwork HTML5 test answer from this website. Upwork HTML5 test is a most important for your Upwork profile improvement.So, Friends enjoy this post and if you have another new idea about it.Please post a comment below.

Question no.1: Which media event is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML 5.0?

Ans: on stalled.

Question no.2: which of the following video file formats are currently supported by the <video> element of HTML 5.0?

Ans: MPEG 4

Question no.3:   which of the following is an invalid  value for the type attribute of command tag?

Ans: command

Question no.4: which of the following is NOT a valid value for the <i frame> sand box attribute in HTML 5.0?

Ans: url

Question no.5: what is the function of the history traversal task source in HTML 5.0?

Ans: it is used to queue calls to history . back () and similar APIs

Question no.6: what will be the result if you use the following code to your HTML 5.0 document?
  <p>I use <del> MAC </del><ins>Microsoft </ins>!</p> 

Ans: i use MAC microsoft

Question no.7: you want to create a link for your website allowing users to email the webmaster. how will you implement this if the webmaster 's email address is

Ans: <a href = "">webmaster</a>

Question no.8: in HTML 5.0 how will the script be executed  if you use the script element shown below?
  <script src="script.js"type="text/java script"defer="defer"></script> 

Ans: b. the script will be the executed when the page has finished parsing.

Question no.9: what is the output when you use the HTML 5.0 code snippet shown below?
<body on load=" alert (this)">

Ans: it will be alert saying "[object window]" when the document is loaded.

Question no.10: a computer programming book has to go online. what of the following tags is ideal for displaying the program snippet?


Question no.11: how will you bind the details option (shown below) with an <input> element, whose type attribute is set to url to get the result shown in the image?

 Ans: user should define a list attribute to the input element whose type is url.

Question no.12: which of the following are valid a html 5.0 element?

Ans: (check ALL)

Question no.13: how does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input > tag?

Ans: an input tag button can be a reset button too.

Question no.14: which of the following attributes comes in handy when borders have to be put between group of columns instead of every column?

Ans: col group

Question no.15: which of the following is correct with regard to the on can play through event fired by media recourse in the HTML 5.0 document?

Ans: the script will run when the media is played to the end, without stopping for buffering.

Question no.16: what does the icon attribute of the HTML 5.0 command tag define?
<command icon="?">click me!</command>

 Ans:it is used to define the url of an image to display as the command.

Question no.17: while rendering your HTML 5.0 web page, which of the following <link> element files will get skipped by a compliant user agent if you include the link element shown belowin your document?
<link rel ="stylesheet"href="A"type = "text/plain">
<link rel=stylesheet"href="B"type="text/css">

Ans: a link element whose href  is= "A"

Question no.18: which <body> tag event is find when the user leaves the document?

Ans: on unload

Question no.19: how will you change the value of the cookies and items in the storage objects of the local storage attribute in HTML 5.0?

Ans: by invoking the window . navigator. yield For Storage updates()Api mathod

Question no.20: what is the role of the < dfn> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: it is used to define a definition term.

Question no.21: which of the following is NOT a valid syntax for the <h1>element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: <h1 align="center">this is header 1</h1>

Question no.22: which from event is fired on the click of a button using a button tag with its type attributes value equal to submit?

Ans: on submit

Question no.23: how will you return a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe in an HTML5.0 web application    ?

ans: window parent.

 Question no.24: in HTML 5.0,which of the following is NOT a valid value for the type attribute when used the when  used with the<command>tag shown below?
<command type="?">Click me!</command>

Ans: button.

Question no.25: what is the default background color for the canvas element in HTML 5.0?

 Ans: Transparent

Question no.26: which of the following are valid mouse events in HTML 5.0?

Ans: (check ALL) 

Question no.27: which of the following language will you use to print the graphic designed using the HTML 5.0 <canvas> tag?

Ans: java script

Question no.28: consider the following item s of a <select> list: 
<option value = "89">item 1</option>
<option value ="90">item 2</option>
which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit button on a selecting item 2 from the list?

Ans: 90

Question no.29: when is the window on stored event triggered in the HTML document?

Ans: it is triggered when a document perform an undo function.

Question no.30: which of the following is NOT a value attributes for the <video> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: disabled

Question no.31: which of the following represents INVALID syntax for defining as attribute value in a HTML 5.0 document?

Ans: <input name= be evil/>

question no.32: consider the above code. what will be the impact upon the contents element if both the style sheets define the same class?
 the question is based upon the figure shown below:  

Ans: the content of the element will be of blue color and will inherit all the effects of style1.css 

Question no.33: which of the following is NOT a valid attribute for the <link> element in HTML 5.0?

 Ans: href lang

Question no.34: which of the following is an INVALID keyword value for http equiv attribute when used with the <meta> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: expires , set cookies , keyword, author

  Question no.35: which of the following statements is correct if you allow the user to select only one radio button from a group of the radio buttons? 

Ans: the name of the input tag must be the same for all the radio buttons.

Question no.36: which of the following <iframe> attribute are NOT supported in HTML 5.0?

Ans: margin height, srolling

question no.37: in HTML 5.0 ,what is the function of the sandbox attribute when used with <iframe> as shown below?
<iframe src= " aaa"sandbox=?></iframe>

Ans: it is used to define the restriction to the frame content.

Question no.38: which of the following is NOT a supported attribute of the <ol> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: compact

Question no.39:which of the following   would give a yellow background to the web page?
 note: the  code used in the "correct" answer below was deprecated in HTML 4.01! use style instead for new code.

 Ans: <body bgcolor= "yellow">

Question no.40: what is the function of on obsolete ,an application cache API method in HTML 5.0?

Ans: it triggers an event when the cache content has been marked as obsolute.

  Question no.41: suppose you add the input code given about your HTML web page. what result will be returned by the java script function when you click the button marked as A in the image?

Ans: text

question no.42: how does a button created by the <button> tag differ from one created by an <input>tag?

Ans: an input tag button can include images as well.

Question no.43: which of the following HTML 5.0 elements is used to embed java applets into your HTML 5.0 web page?

Ans: <object>

Question no.44: which of the following is NOT a valid attribute for the element in HTML 5.0? 

  Ans: http equie.

Question no.45: which of the following are valid values for the content editable attribute of three element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: true,false

Question no.46: you want to display a table listing out customer names and their content information . the heading of the table is shown in the figure . what is the code for creating the first line of the table heading?

  Ans: b <tr>
<th>customer Name</th>
<th col span=3 contact </th>

question no.47: which of the following <section> elements have the correct attributes assignment as per HTML 5.0?

 ans: c.<section id="EXAMPLE">...</section>
d. <section id="EXAMPLE">...</section>
<section id="EXAMPLE">...</section>

question no.48: which of the following statements is correct if you invoke the window prompt (message,default) web application API method in HTML 5.0?

Ans: both b and c

Question no.49:which of the following is NOT an attribute of the <meta> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: scheme 

 Question no.50: which media event will be fired when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty?

 Ans: on emptied

Question no.51: what is the purpose of the <keygen> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: it is used to generate a public private key pair in an HTML 5.0web page.

Question no.52: which event is fired when an element loses its focus in HTML 5.0 document?

Ans : on blur

Question no.53: a piece of text contains many blank space within it. which of the following tags would be suitable to display the text as it was originally formatted?

Ans: pre

Question no.54: which HTML 5.0 element will you use to group the related options in a drop down list?

 Ans: opt group

Question no.55: you are writing the code for an HTML form and you want the browser to retain the form's input values. that is , if a user submits the form and presses the browser's back button , the fully populated form is displayed instead of a blank form. which of the following HTML 5.0 attributes will you use?

Ans: form target.

Question no.56: which of the following tags would assist in creating named groups within a select list?

Ans: opt group.

   Question no.57: how will you cancel the timeouts that are set with the set Interval() API method identified by the handlers in HTML 5.0?

Ans:a. window. clear Interval(handle)
b. <tr>
<th> customer Name</th>
<th col span= 3> contact</th>

Question no.58: what is the default background color for the canvas element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: transparent.

Question no.59: which of the following are valid values for the content editable attribute of the <figure > element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: false 

Question no.60: which media event is triggered when there is triggered when there is an error in fetching media data in HTML 5.0?

Ans: on suspend.

Question no.61: which of the following is NOT a valid attribute for the <link> element in HTML 5.0?

Ans: http equiv.

Question no.62: which of the following HTML 5.0 elements is used to embed java applets into your HTML 5.0 web page?

Ans: <object>

Question no.64: how does a button created by the <button> tag differ from the one created by an <input> tag?

Ans: an input tag button can include images as well.

Question no.65: how will you return a reference to the parent of the current window or sub frame in an HTML 5.0 wed application?

Ans: window.parent

Question no.66: suppose you add the input code given above to your HTML web page. what result will be returned  by the Java script function when you click the button market as A in the image?

ans: text.

Question no.67: which of the following statement is correct if you allow the user to select only one radio button from a group of radio buttons?

Ans: the name of the input tag must be the same for all the radio buttons.

Question no.68: what will be the result if you use the code to your HTML 5.0 document?
 <bdo dir="rtl">
here is the some text that should be written to your document.

Ans: tnemucod ruoy ot enttirw eb dluohs taht txet emos si ereh.

Question no.69: which of the following would give a yellow background to the webpage?
note : the  code used in the "correct" answer below was deprecated in HTML 4.01! use styles instead  for new code.

Ans: <body bgcolor = "Yellow">

Question no.70: how will you change the value of the cookies and items in the storage object  the local Storage attributes in HTML 5.0?

Ans: by invoking the window . navigator .yieldForStorageUpdates() API method.

Question no.71: how will the target URL open when you define the <a> element in your HTML 5.0 document as shown below?

Ans: the target URL will open in the same document in which it was clicked.

Question no.72: what will be the browsing context if the browsing context if the browsing context name is _ top when the HTML 5.0 web page is loading?

Ans: it will load the linked document in the topmost frame.

Question no.73: which of the following is an INVALID value for the type attribute of command tag?

Ans: text

Question no.74: the following link is placed on an HTML webpage.

Ans: it will open the site in a new window.  

Question no.75: you have the following directory structure.
the product directory has a page called Product. HTML. and the delivered directory has a page called Delivered.html. you want to provide a link to the products page on Delivered.html.the idea code should be:

Ans: <a href= "/..product.html">all product</a>

Question no.76: what will be result if you use the following code to your HTML 5.0 document?

<p>I use<del>MAC</del><ins>Microsoft</ins>!</p>

Ans:i use MAC Microsoft

Question no.77: which of the following is the correct syntax to define  charset in the html 5 <meta> element?

Ans: <meta char set=ISO-8859-1"> 

Question no.78: which of the following is the correct method to load another web page or reload the seme page in HTML 5.0?

Ans: all of the above

Question no.79: which <body> tag event fired when the user leaves the document?

Ans: on unload.

Question no.80: which event is fired when the history of the browser window changes?

Ans: on pop state.

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